B. B. D. The veto is as much a sign of presidential weakness as of strength, because it arises when Congress refuses to accept the president's ideas. 1 D. A surprise attack on the United States is the only justification for war by presidential action. 1960 Presidents are limited in their use of the veto on legislation directly affecting national security or economic policy. E. 6,500. D. office where power depends almost entirely on its occupant; strong leaders are always successful presidents, and weak ones never succeed. Why do you think the presidents informal powers have grown over time? 39. A. the small policymaking role of the federal government C. the support of the party's congressional leaders. And even in the Prize Cases (1863), in which the Supreme Court famously recognized the Presidents power to repel sudden attacks, it attributed at least some of that authority not to the Commander in Chief Clause, but to these statutes, by which he is authorized to call[] out the militia and use the military and naval forces of the United States in case of invasion by foreign nations, and to suppress insurrection against the government of a State or of the United States. In other words, the Presidents defensive war powers, though unquestioned in their scope and existence, may emanate just as much from statutes Congress has enacted under the Calling Forth Clause as from Article IIs provision that he be Commander in Chief. New Hampshire and Vermont. When he pulls his ear lobe and rubs his chin, he is telling the truth. As James Reston wrote in his column for the New York Times, The problems before the Kennedy Administration on Inauguration Day are much more difficult than the nation has yet come to believe.. C. the U.S. Senate C. Jimmy Carter reduced the power of the vice presidency by removing the vice president's office from the White House. C. mass mailing of campaign literature. A. must be at least 40 years of age A. is a shared office where the president and the cabinet are equally powerful. D. National Security Council. D. It requires the president to inform Congress within one month of the reason for the military action. A. C. House and Senate in a joint session. When he announced the expansion of ground forces that July 28, he did so not in a nationally televised address or before a joint Congressional session, but during a press conference in which he tried to dilute the news by also disclosing his nomination of Abe Fortas to the Supreme Court. is the queen more powerful than the president. . Candidate strategy in the early presidential nominating contests (such as New Hampshire's primary) is designed chiefly to gain After all, if the militia was initially intended to be the primary (if not exclusive) response force for a domestic emergency, and if Congress was given the power to provide for their calling forth (and, through the other Militia Clause, their regulation), then the Constitution appears to resolve in Congresss favor any argument that such statutory limitations unconstitutionally infringe upon the President's constitutional authority as Commander in Chief. B. elimination of candidate selection by primary To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Congratulations to Michael Renna, president and CEO, SJI, and SJI Board Directors Kevin O'Dowd and Christopher Paladino for being named to ROI-NJ's 2023 Super How did Theodore Roosevelt change the conception of the presidency? Also called the War Powers Resolution, the War Powers Act limits the presidents power to deploy US armed forces. A president's accomplishments have largely depended on A. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. Scholarly opinion is sharply divided on this question. Kennedy told former Secretary of State Dean Acheson a U.S. bombing raid would be seen as Pearl Harbor in reverse.. B. George H. W. Bush In the ensuing unrest, four students at Kent State University in Ohio and two at Jackson State University in Mississippi were fatally shot by National Guard troops and police, respectively. How much power should the president have? C. office in which power is conditional, depending on whether the political support that gives force to presidential leadership exists or can be developed. The presidency was created by Article ________ of the U.S. Constitution. Thus, as a case in point, Congress likely violated the Clause in an 1867 appropriations rider that sought to insulate Ulysses S. Grantthen the commanding general of the U.S. Armyfrom President Andrew Johnson by, among other things, requiring all orders to go through Grant (and voiding all orders that didnt); precluding Grants removal by Johnson without Senate approval; and fixing Grants headquarters in Washington (where, presumably, he would be closer to Congress). Contrary to the first view, the Constitution expressly gives Congress significant power over the military. How may having a single executive lead to tyranny? 10. Thus Congresss order not to burn New York City during the retreat would be unconstitutional under the 1789 Constitution, although general regulations on the treatment of civilian property would not be. C. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. 28. The Constitution assigns no executive authority to the vice president. Office of Management and Budget. Nobody can say with confidence exactly what JFK would have done in Southeast Asia if he had lived to hold a second term, and the point remains one of heated debate. The selection of the vice presidential nominee at the national convention is based on the A. the U.S. Supreme Court the common strength by a single person. To be sure, the Presidents control over foreign affairs had been growing since the Theodore Roosevelt administration (and still grows today). E. He cast aside the Whig theory in favor of the stewardship theory. E. Martin Van Buren. C. statesmanship in foreign affairs 1. A. Andrew Johnson. B. Robert Dalleks most recent book is The Lost Peace: Leadership in a Time of Horror and Hope, 1945-1953. B. Thomas Jefferson D. have expanded in practice to be more powerful than the writers of the Constitution intended. D. the president's skill at balancing the demands of competing groups. D. A surprise attack on the United States is the only justification for war by presidential action. Council of Economic Advisers. 21. 13. As a controversial 2002 government memorandum argued. Every decision on how to respond to Khrushchevs action rested exclusively with Kennedy and his inner circle. It requires hostilities to end within sixty days unless Congress extends the period. In the Steel Seizure case, the Court rejected the Presidents argument that the Clause empowered the President to seize steel mills in the United States to support the Korean War, and in Milligan, the Court rejected the argument that the Clause allowed the President to use military commissions to try civilians in areas where civilian courts were still operating. His decision in late 2009 to expand the war in Afghanistanalbeit with withdrawal timelinesrekindled worries about an imperial presidency. (p. 390) A president's accomplishments have largely depended on A. the margin of victory in the presidential campaign. Which of the following presidents failed to win an electoral majority, but still won the presidency by decision of the House of Representatives? And while Bill Clinton chose to consult with Congressional leaders on operations to enforce a U.N. no-fly zone in the former Yugoslavia, he reverted to the president knows best model in launching Operation Desert Fox, the 1998 bombing intended to degrade Saddam Husseins war-making ability. B. E. Building a strong military for engagement in foreign wars would be a key ingredient to establishing executive authority. Unlike Truman, Kennedy was already quite aware that the success of any major policy initiative depended on a national consensus. D. must be a white male A president's accomplishments have largely depended on Direct link to Jay C's post how has the president's p, Posted a year ago. B. fear of impeachment. The only two states that are exceptions to the unit rule are The former power is carried over directly into the Constitutions list of congressional powers, but the latter is not. The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session. A. results of the primaries and caucuses; the candidate who places second in these contests is nominated as the running mate of the candidate who finishes first. Which of the following is a formal constitutional requirement for becoming president? 0 A. the inability of the president to influence the legislative priorities of Congress, even though the party in power pays lip-service to the president's agenda Perhaps no provision has been more neglected in this discourse than the so-called Calling Forth Clause of Article I, which empowers Congress [t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions. As Justice Jackson explained in his Steel Seizure concurrence. D. the equalization of Electoral College votes, eliminating population as a factor C. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. E. 1992, 18. But can Congress itself direct how the President exercises that command by requiring or prohibiting certain military actions? The forced removal of a president from office through impeachment and conviction requires action by the He knew that if he responded ineffectually, domestic opponents would attack him for setting back the nations security, and allies abroad would doubt his resolve to meet Soviet threats to their safety. D. staging of personal appearances. Both reflected the countrys traditional affinity for idealistic solutions to global problems and aimed to give the United States an advantage in the contest with Communism for hearts and minds. But he also worried that a first strike against the Soviet installations in Cuba would turn peace advocates everywhere against the United States. But when he begins to move his lips, you know hes lying. One reason for this was the emergence of the United States as a great power with global obligations. Which of the following was a provision of the War Powers Act? B. B. E. is subordinate to the Supreme Court. . $39.95. Bill Clinton 2023 Smithsonian Magazine B. Ralph Nader won Florida by 537 votes. C. the U.S. government's small role in world affairs The new department consolidated 22 . Perhaps the lesson to be taken from the presidents since Kennedy is one Arthur Schlesinger suggested almost 40 years ago, writing about Nixon: The effective means of controlling the presidency lay less in law than in politics. In addition, Congresss power to declare war likely includes power to set wartime goals and to limit a wars scope. Born in Plains, Georgia, on October 1, 1924, James Earle Carter Jr. attended the U.S. For Kennedy, the Presidency offered the chance to exercise executive power. At the same time, he unilaterally chose not to expand the conflict into Iraq, but even that assertion of power was seen as a bow to Congressional and public opposition to a wider war. Powers claimed by presidents as necessary in order to execute the law. B. foreign policy. What did Alexander Hamilton argue about war in Federalist No. E. efforts of friendly civilian and corporate group efforts. By 1968, it was clear that he had little hope of winning re-election. In contrast to the Constitution, the Articles gave Congress the powers of making rules for the government and regulation of the said land and naval forces, and of directing their operations (emphasis added). Yet his sustained commitment to ending the war in Iraq offers hope that he will fulfill his promise to begin removing troops from Afghanistan this coming July and that he will end that war as well. If the United States undertakes military operations, either by authorization from Congress or under the Presidents independent powers, the Constitution makes the President Commander in Chief of all U.S. military forces, and Congress cannot give command to any other person. E. Daniel Webster and Henry Clay accepted nominations to the vice presidency as stepping stones to the presidency. A. during his or her first year in office. Role as commander-in-chief - What presidents have used this power to expand the presidency. His decision rested on two fears: that Castro represented an advance wave of a Communist assault on Latin America, and that if Kennedy aborted the invasion, he would be vulnerable to domestic political attacks as a weak leader whose temporizing would encourage Communist aggression. As Justice Stevens wrote for the majority, [w]hether or not the President has independent power, absent congressional authorization, to convene military commissions, he may not disregard limitations that Congress has, in proper exercise of its own war powers, placed on his powers. However, the scope of Hamdan remains unclear, and in 2015 President Obama suggested that a statute completely limiting his ability to transfer detainees from the military prison at Guantnamo might unconstitutionally infringe his Commander in Chief powers. DHS was established by the Homeland Security Act of 2002, largely in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. D. Warren Harding. B. spin control Your Privacy Rights The national government prior to the Constitution lacked separation of powers, combining legislative and executive power in a single multi-member entity, and it was thought defective on that ground. Additionally, today's society puts the president as the figurehead of the nation and so he has a lot more sway and reach over the American people than he would have used to, with the advances in media and communications technology that we have made. [T]he direction of war peculiarly demands those qualities which distinguish the exercise of power by a single hand. A. According to Professor Hargrove's theory of presidential success, a presidency of achievement occurs because a. there is an unbreakable cycle to presidential leadership, whereby success alwaysfollows after failure. James Madison proposed changing this to declare war principally, he said, to leave the President with power to repel sudden attacks. Bush won a Congressional resolution supporting his decision to oust Iraqi forces from Kuwait in 1991. How do you know when LBJ is telling the truth? A. The president is currently elected by a plurality voting direct election of the areas administered by the Republic of China for a term of four years. 16. Which of the following is NOT true of the 2004 presidential election? 356 Pages. D. is in office when the economy goes bad, which creates a demand for stronger leadership. Examples include making treaties, commanding the military, appointing Supreme Court justices, and vetoing legislation. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Tuesday urged pro-UK politicians in Northern Ireland to grab the economic "prize" on offer after he secured a breakthrough reform deal with the European Union.On a visit to the tense province, Sunak said he was "over the moon" at clinching the pact with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen on Monday.Following their meeting in the royal town . C. immediately after Congress enacts a major presidential initiative. E. None of these answers is correct. Congress authorized an official impeachment investigation of C. 55 B. Powers expressly granted to the president under Article II of the Constitution. Nixons decision to normalize relations with the Peoples Republic of China, after an interruption of more than 20 years, was one of his most important foreign policy achievements, and his eight-day visit to Beijing in February 1972 was a television extravaganza. C. use the caucus instead of the primary for presidential candidate selection. They can only be issued in matters of national security. I mean, who gives a s--- if the minimum wage is $1.15 or $1.25, in comparison to something like this? The Bay of Pigs would remain a searing memory for him, but it was only a prologue to the gravest crisis of his presidency. Congress has formally declared war ________ times in U.S. history. How many presidents have been impeached in U.S. history? A high-level overview of how the presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers. Which of the following is a reason that the nation did not routinely need a strong president during most of the nineteenth century? The War Powers Resolution (WPR), passed by Congress over President Nixon's veto in 1973, was intended to correct concerns about a growing imbalance in the constitutional division of war powers between the legislative and executive branches. He altered the stewardship theory to reduce the power of the presidency while remaining an activist president. 2. All Rights Reserved. B. is a former member of Congress. A. George Washington B. II D. Al Gore received 550,000 more votes nationally than Ralph Nader. C. office in which power is conditional, depending on whether the political support that gives force to presidential leadership exists or can be developed. B. Being president provided powers to make a difference in world affairsthe arena in which he felt most comfortablethat no senator could ever hope to achieve. B. Maine Rufus King of Massachusetts then made a related point: that make war might be understood to conduct it which was an Executive function. The Convention adopted the proposed change, suggesting that the delegates did not want Congress to have the power to conduct war. It prohibits the president from sending troops into combat. C. is on good terms with other world leaders. To ensure domestic support for his decisionand in spite of calls by some members of Congress for a more aggressive responseKennedy went on national television at 7 p.m. on October 22 with a 17-minute address to the nation that emphasized Soviet responsibility for the crisis and his determination to compel the withdrawal of offensive weapons from Cuba. Carter could justify the secrecy as essential to the mission, but after sandstorms and a helicopter crash aborted it, confidence in independent executive action waned. E. mid-term elections. Home / Uncategorized / a president's power has largely depended on . After the Korean War had become a stalemate, a majority of Americans described their countrys participation in the conflict as a mistakeand Trumans approval ratings fell into the twenties. The president's role in foreign policy increased largely because Direct link to StudentE's post what affect will this hav, Posted 2 days ago. B. 34. The Expanding Power of the Presidency. C. define the relationship between the United States and its allies. Explore our new 15-unit high school curriculum. C. He rejected the idea of the "strong presidency". E. the people, in a runoff election, 15. This dramatically undermines arguments evoking a broad and unilateral authority for the Commander in Chief in the circumstances contemplated by the Calling Forth Clause, i.e., to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.. A. grant all their electoral votes as a unit to the candidate who wins the state's popular vote. He initiated a bombing campaign against North Vietnam in March 1965 and then committed 100,000 U.S. combat troops to the war without consulting Congress or mounting a public campaign to ensure national assent. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? 2 C. Maine and Nebraska. It was a challenge that Kennedy saw fit to manage exclusively with his White House advisers. A. was introduced during the Jacksonian era. 48. Almost always, the focus has been on the veto power, and questions have cen-tered on how much leverage this gives presidents to shape legislative outcomes. 29. D. presidential nominee's choice of a running mate. A. the margin of victory in the presidential campaign. An executive branch led by a single person. The Whig theory holds that the presidency The Supreme Court, in ruling in 1974 that Nixon had to release White House tape recordings that revealed his actions on Watergate, reined in presidential powers and reasserted the influence of the judiciary. Disputes concerning the scope of the Presidents unilateral authority under the Commander in Chief Clauseparticularly of latehave tended to neglect the potential significance of other constitutional provisions in understanding the Constitutions separation of emergency powers. But in his third month, the president learned that executive direction of foreign policy also carried liabilities. 32. Kennedy won the presidency just as that conflict was assuming a new urgency. He sought to act only within the confines of expressly-granted constitutional authority. brainly.com/question/29422434. The President's Czars: Undermining Congress and the Constitution. B. the first part of a president's term. Under the Twenty-second Amendment, no one may be elected president more than twice, or serve as president longer than ten years. 46. Ooops. D. The constitutional powers of the vice presidency have been increased by Congress twice during U.S. history. Dhs was established by the Homeland security Act of 2002, largely in response to the terrorist attacks on 11. Kennedy saw fit to manage exclusively with his White House advisers explained in his Steel Seizure concurrence ; strong are! His ear lobe and rubs his chin, he is telling the truth the U.S. Constitution Building... In a runoff election, 15 e. he cast aside the Whig theory in favor of the nineteenth?... 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