Turkey is like dry, inadequate chicken though. Your co-worker sounds like shes being a bit difficult and imposing unrealistic expectations on the OP. Im the same way about artificial fragrances and I love essential oils. You have a right to wash yourself in lightly (or heavily for that matter) scented things. My husband is quite sensitive to smell and he uses it so I thought it would be okay. I want to clarify that my But I agree that patchouli is one.of.those.smells. line meant that most will either love it or hate it as evidenced by our two opinions here. Agree. Exactly my thought. Now, I know that others who are sensitive cannot deal with it because of worse effects, but that doesnt look like what is happening here. If I really need to do laundry and my parents invite me over for an evening, I may take some over then, but just enough to tide me over until I have time to do laundry in my own building. I only participate in consensual drum circles ;), OP, can I just say your comments have been cracking me up? I think the your fist, my nose boundary ends with how close you have to be to smell it and/or normal use. coworker is constantly coughing and blowing her nose, legal names and job applications, and more by Alison Green on September 24, 2015 It's five answers to five questions. Its not a unilateral street. Give the interrupter . Please cut it out.). Outside of behavioural therapy, I dont know how this could be fixed other than moving the coworkers desk away from the LWs. One of your co-workers is making that incessant and distracting sound again and it's driving you insane. Its awful. When Im exposed to an offending odor (man-made or natural) even if it smells pretty to me, it can trigger a migraine. I was going to suggest this. Its a hippie scentmaybe. If OP makes curry at home and goes to work in the same sweater she used to make curry, does she need to stop making curry for her coworker? I dont know that they specifically know or mean patchouli oil so much as scented product that they suspect OP is using. I guess my point is if coworker is smelling something and attributing it to the OP because of past issues, something needs to be done to determine what the source of something is, and I know blindfolds are a weird thing, but it might actually worth it to float as a trial balloon that Look youre smelling something, we agree you are, youre not crazy, but we DONT agree on what something is. I think once in a while isnt likely to be a problem. Telecommuting, or disability, at that point. I was mortified when it happened. I will say re: patchouli that its a particularly lingering fragrance. Ooh, I would love to have a coworker who smelled like cookies! However, nothing I could do would fix the problem. Also, if you were considering making exaggerated sniffing noises and jokes about patchouli, it might not be helpful. However the company could send an office-wide email advising folks be aware of strong scents causing issues. I had a co-worker who used it and one day I gave her a ride to a work function and my car smelled like patchouli until the day I traded it in, especially on hot summer days at 5:05pm. Even in Oakland, until the past 10 years or so, it was really common for Black women to be the predominant group wearing indie oils.. How best to handle a situation like this? It literally smells so strongly it reaches the entire office. Carry an inhaler, epi-pen, etc., plan around it if you can I mean, its not like someone with that severe a reaction can force everyone in every public place they visit to use all scent-free products, so theyd still have to be able to cope with or have contingency plans for exposure to scent in places other than work, and maybe they need to extend those plans to the work environment too. And negative associations with patchouli? Ive asked friends if they can smell it on my clothes since all this started, and none of them can, even when pressing the item up against their nose. We had both been hired for the same job and put in the same office and it eventually came out that she was using imaginary smells as a means to get her own office (which they eventually gave her and made my situation a little better) and to just get me down in general. This was my second reaction (after the first, which was sympathy for OP!). I can tell you, its really hard for me not to come across as rude. I guess I associate the word perfume with the alcohol-based eau de parfume spray ones. Thats very possible. Its one thing to say dont wear perfume/aftershave/etc at work. Ask your manager to move your desk if the faint scent of a lotion used the night before bothers you that much. Im guessing no, otherwise the coworker would have an office reputation for being sensitive. Making an employee constantly feel that they are the problem, shaming them for no real wrongdoing, or making them feel inadequate and unworthy. I love the essential oil, but I abhor the incense sticks. People who dont like indie-type perfumes often just categorize them all as patchouli as a catch-all for hippie smells. It drives me up the wall. Blah, blah, blah. I still loved bourbon but I could not drink Jack for 20 years. Its tough to diagnose on your own, Dr. Reisman says. I'm the only one with a direct view. Therefore, I only bring it up to people if I cant avoid the person and just deal with it because I feel that I shouldnt dictate how others live their own lives. If not, there you are. Id also be thanking Boss for talking to you. Boss needs to investigate whether theres a yet-unidentified cause related to OP, and direct Coworker to leave OP out of it if not (or if that cause isnt reasonable to ask OP to address, like Coworker just dislikes OPs natural smell). Focus on her behavior rather than any more placating action on your part. I use a particular line of products that are not perfume-y, more a general sense of gee, you smell good, and I tend to be pretty mingy with product anyway. It provides non-invasive noise and pleasurable feelings, to effectively neutralise the unconscious attention system's ability to distract us. I really wish that was possible, but it's not. I think the LWs coworker is bullying her and LW should respond accordingly. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. I completely agree. I wonder if the OPs coworker has developed a heightened sensory sensitivity to even trace amounts of certain smells and isnt being honest with herself about it. I am not moving again. Psychosomatic reactions to various triggers, including scents, are pretty well documented. Yeah. You dont have to turn your life upside down, especially for someone who isnt being reasonable. My office chair has cloth arms, and my thought process is that maybe some of the oils are lingering on these items, and when the OP is sitting in the chair, or putting her arms on the desk, her body warmth could cause the scents to be noticeable? putting an end to your runny nose. There can be essential oils, plant derivatives, and masking fragrances in unscented products. I bought a bottle of Caress body wash when I was in college because it was on sale. Instead they want to continue chatting or working. Allergies suck man. (Relatively scent-free.) This. Granted you should tone it down at work, but I and everyone else is allowed to smell like the body wash or shampoo or hand lotion of their choosing. Almost everyone I know who wears that kind of scent is white, and I really hope that OP is, too. Are the other coworkers having this issue with the coworker too? Unscented my butt. The advice is spot on. oh I get it I know that people either love or loathe it. But, it might be that your area is still retaining some of the scents you were wearing previously. I never heard of that, but I totally get it. My coworker walks in after 8:00 a.m. every single day. I meant no offense and should have not used the word disgust. Often people dont realize how heavy their perfumed things are, and it can interfere with others breathing & general ability to function. Patchouli is a STRONG scent. BLOW YOUR NOSE! Or she hates the smell of all shampoo. I shudder just typing the words. I get it, scent sensitivities are no joke, and I am more than willing to do what I can make the office space as pleasant as possible, but wheres the line on what you can and cant use in your personal life because it might bother someone somewhere if you step out your front door? I say this because it doesnt sound like her co-worker is sensitive to the smells, but rather that she is being judgmental and condescending. The friend I was travelling with very kindly loaned me a clean T-short and knickers, which did not end well. On a related note, my ex-boss smelled pretty strongly of second hand smoke. If things don't improve, tell your boss that things haven't improved. My 20th high school reunion is coming up and some of my old friends were teasing me that we should do shots and it was just like *gag*. Shes good about remembering the week I mention it, but by the end of the following week (or especially the week after that), it starts getting bad again. She couldnt stand cinnamon-scented anything for almost a decade. Though, for whats its worth, the coworker was specifically referring to patchouli scents, which I have seen used as shorthand for dirty hippie smell, and other commenters have as well. Doesnt matter, its never clear and I cant stop sniffling. Its kind of like when they tried to get more women in orchestras and did blind testing, and then found out they were still excluding women because in formal orchestra interviews they were wearing heels that made noise which interfered with the true blind test. And many, many people will never consider that they might unwittingly be the source of a problem. The coworker seems to expect a level of accommodation that you should really only expect from someone youre cohabiting with. In my experience, the years 1992 to 1999 presented a massive dry spell in underwear sniffing - nothing to sniff. He finally had a doctor who asked just the right questionand after a few more tests and exams, it turned out it was a tic and that he has (a very mild form) of Tourette's syndrome. It looks like you just have someone who just doesnt like your scent. A lot of times they put them on 12 hours ago for a night out and arent planning on taking a shower until after work the next day. I know this reaction is inappropriate! Im in the US and this started fairly soon after the last Presidential inauguration, so I thought maybe we were aligned differently politically. It's easy to fix. Otherwise, theres a whole other layer of gross here. Its Bully 101 to push and push and push until the victim explodes, and then so and so blew up at me for NO REASONoh, poor me. Dont even turn your head. If not I would actually quit over this. I expected him to accommodate my scent-aversion because I lived with him! Should we go talk to (manager) or HR together and resolve this once and for all?. Move there. Do not reply with anger just because the customer is being immature and working through their anger in an unhealthy way. But the coworker would probably then be encouraged in her delusions of scent. That was me and popcornI worked at the concession counter of a movie theater as a teenager, and it took about five years to lose that powerful aversion to the smell of buttered popcorn. This requires a somewhat herculean effort of open windows, incense, scented candles, oil burners, and oil diffusers, plus regular cleaning of the litter box with high quality litter. Along the same lines of my co-worker who has no problem with one persons tuna salad but will make gagging gestures about another persons reheated biryani. . Call Him on It. Coworker is being bratty and mean in a way that suggests she feels helpless (so, bullying but thinks she is the victim), and your suggestions were right on target for that aspect of the situation. Although her coworker would probably be like your smock smells bad., I, for one, welcome my new sterilization chamber overlords. I bake a lot and once had a coworker complain about my perfume, which was actually the fact that my house tends to smell like cookies! This. Same with strawberry shortcake and popcorn. 47 1 Sponsored by Karma Shopping LTD But that doesnt seem to be what the OP is dealing with just now, so she may need to change from the reasonable adult playbook to the dealing with a bully playbook. There was actually a study done a while ago that found that a lot of people with sensitivities to fragrance actually had psychosomatic sensitivities. Although one important difference was that the LW in that case was the allergic co-workers boss, so they needed to be able to have private conversations some times. Im aware of it even if its barely an element of the scent. It is going down the whole ethnic food route of complaining about stinky food. It could be that the coworker hasnt realized they have the issue, not our delightful LW. . I would only put it on the wearer if they were not respecting my desire not to be around it. LW didnt disclose her ethnicity (and she shouldnt feel pressured to) but I know from having friends with various backgrounds (some Indian, some black, etc) that, for example, sometimes someone of Indian heritage will be mocked for smelling like curry, even when they dont. Should we talk to the manager or HR about that? But frankly, you shouldnt be expected to cut something you enjoy out of your life entirely just because it annoys her. Conditioner is even harder to find. Make a joke about you. And one year when I was a broke college student, the place where I worked had basically an endless supply of get a meal 1/2 off coupons from Moes, which was next door to the store and made it the cheapest full meal I could get most days. Make yourself the squeaky wheel and stop letting her harass you and bully you. Just make sure over time they don't start pulling to those spots! We get really obsessed about smells. I love lavender but have a friend who hates it (not allergic,just doesnt like it). I also think that the OP should go to HR and let them know what has been going on. It doesnt make sense that OP needs to suddenly cut out all shampoo and all bath products when seemingly everyone else can use them without judgement, including us. Unfortunately, its not always easy to guess whether the problem might be due to an allergy or a structural issue, Dr. Reisman says. My best advice is to follow Alisons script and see if being told nicely that youve done what you can, and that she needs to quit bullying you. Now I want to go looking for a nice lemon perfume, though. My point is that maybe something similar is happening with OPs coworker and smells. Its like take the LW at their word doesnt apply to fragrance-based letters or something. But at this point, the OP *HAS* done this. I did. Also, I cant deal with the smell of Febreeze. I dont wear it often (I find it soothing and will sometimes put a little on in the evening, just on my wrist and just for me). At my last job, a coworker suddenly complained about the fragrance of myself and another coworker. Being told I smell when I know I dont would make me feel a tad insane and like I couldnt trust my senses. Well not exactly for sniffling but after I asked him to blow his nose twice politely and then a third time damn near yelling at him and he didnt comply because he didnt need to I wrote him up and sent him home for insubordination. They never get to work on time and are five to fifteen minutes late every single day. 16 12 12 comments Best Add a Comment MassiveExplosion 5 yr. ago The OP already did the reasonable thingsshe stopped wearing perfume and scented oils, she switched to mainly fragrance-free cleaning products, and as far as we know she doesnt even have anything around that smells like patchouli. Every time this happens I go through a spate of cleaning everything and thinking I smell pee ALL THE TIME. A co-worker has bad allergies, instead of blowing her nose she sucks down her snot and swallows it. Grandboss there actually had a candle burning that was majorly causing issues, and heis version of being accommodating was to ask what candles I burn at homeNone, I have asthma. And theres a limit to how much Im willing to let work infringe on my ability to surround myself with a pleasant environment in my off-hours, in the way that I define a pleasant environment, which for me is strongly scent-based. Its not workable. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Right; this is where the psychology of scent gets complicated, because everything and everybody has a scent, and everything and everybody is made of chemicals. Try using earplugs. Is it possible that the oil-based scents are lingering in something that doesnt get laundered very oftenmaybe a coat or even shoes? You could try talking to your boss (Ive stopped wearing the scent she asked me not to wear, and dont otherwise use scented products. :D I would be really put out to have to start looking again. LW has done quite a lot to accommodate her coworker, who really does sound like a jerk. The limbic center is the part of the brain that controls emotional, physical, and psychological responses. I have spent years finding a shampoo routine that doesnt make my hair look really clean, but is passable, affordable, and most importanly doesnt make me bleed. There is an FREE (unscented) Febreeze for fabrics. It would be awful to hear that you smell everyday. Perhaps he has the scent-free version that my two cents mentioned. Problem is, no one around you sees the flames or senses the heat, so they have no sense of urgency to bolt for the doors. Whether or not the coworker has a sensitivity, her behavior is way inappropriate. You smell something you associate with your Grans house and if you loved her, then its great, but if she was a nasty horrid person and hit you, you might remember that. Oh well then.if she just doesnt like it, thats just too bad. It went something like;"Pete, I need to give you feedback. My sniffing started about 4 years ago. I just get so anxious about it that I smell phantom pee. Its one thing to ask a coworker to stop wearing a strongly smelling perfume, its another to suggest that people need to switch out ALL of their personal care products to accommodate a coworker! This is so timely! All the time. I once sent an employee of mine home for this. Im genuinely curious about this. Press J to jump to the feed. Pause for a moment, look the colleague in the eye, and ask him in a calm and professional voice to repeat what he said. She is forever grunting, snorting and huffing and puffing, not to mention wheezing and coughing. I would call her on it and take Allisons advice to call her bluff on the need for you to accommodate. What would I have to do then buy all new clothes to eradicate a scent that may or may not exist? Yes, the real problem is clearly the coworker. That stuff is horrid as is varnish and a lot of paints, although paint companies are getting better and better at doing paint formulations that dont make even non asthmatics want to gag. I think Alison has asked us not to read race into letters because it can become derailing and its all speculation. I dont use scented stuff, I bake if I want the house to smell nice., And I finally sat her down and said Hey Coworker, I want you to know that I dont dislike your perfume/lotion/candle scent ( although I did dislike them) I just have a strong, physical reaction, and when its pollen season, or mold season, Im extra sensitive and really cant handle any of those products in the air.. Back to old man smell. :(, Why is Alison mentioning lemon scented body wash? Nobody wanted to deal with her because she was insane in many ways. (For instance: my uncles aftershave lingers when hes been in my car, so it probably sticks to me when he visits.) But it really, truly is an instant, intense fight-or-flight feeling and knowing its irrational doesnt make that kind of heart-pounding, blinding adrenaline go away. Instead, offer practical solutions that can fix the solution for everyone. OP do you have a coat, shoes or bag that might be holding onto the smell? It just seems to cross a boundary of reasonableness. Its super easy to become immune to a constant smell. Anyway, since then the smell is so offensive to me. Thats a good point. Then try to have a calm, sensible conversation with someone while exposed to that irritant. She might be unwittingly attributing what she smells to you for the simple reason your scents bothered her. They feel so over-the-top as to be completely unreasonable to ask of a coworker. Sinus Issues - Mild Nose Bleeds and Coughing Up Blood, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life, Achoo! The thing with perfume is that lots of people arent putting on their fancy fragrances to go to work. I have had to play the where is the smell coming from game and often those are the offenders. Unrelated to any sort of sickness, but I loathe the taste of chicken and always have. Theres no perfume smell, it smells very natural to me. This gesture is used by men to display a dominant, sexually aggressive attitude. Maybe if I just put the lotion in my nose. Allergist Dr. Lily Pien answers Medhelp users' most pressing allergy-related questions. Ha ha ha! I have a favorite crock pot recipe that I havent made in 20 years because I got sick the last time I ate it (I am sure it was a virus and had nothing to do with the food, but even thinking about it nauseates me) Oncologists sometimes feed kids maple ice cream before chemo because they would rather their bodies associated the illness with something easily avoided than with the cheerios or scrambled eggs they had for breakfast that day. (Sometimes I feel like a hypochondriac, since I have so many medical conditions, but I swear Im not! If shes got a serious problem with it, she needs to talk to the boss and make some sort of arrangement so she doesnt have to get next to you, and also so the boss can make a general announcement about a scent policy. Get classified and get medical clearance restrictions and stuff. You cant police what people do or wear on their own time. Maybe a (different) co-worker, in case the smell is lingering around the OPs work station as mentioned below. All Rights Reserved. Sinus infections famously cause your head to pound and your eyes to throb. I think of my paternal grandma when I smell Jergens lotionthe cherry-almond scentand sunscreen because they lived in Corpus Christi and we always got drowned in Coppertone when we visited. Someone in my major (I wasnt in that class) actually got up and punched someone recovering from a particularly long coldI spent the last two years of college avoiding classes with him, especially when he punched some other person for another sound-related reason! Sometimes it helps and sometimes it's so bad my family says something to me. Of not, then she can be moved to a less bothersome location. It certainly sounds like youve done your due diligence in removing scented items from your workday routine, so is it possible the culprit is something difficult to wash or even notice? Dont spend any more time thinking of things you can do, where the smell might be coming from, thatll make you crazy. A particularly lingering fragrance are the other coworkers having this issue with the coworker too I dont know people. Is, too they have the issue, not our delightful LW would have an office reputation for being.. Bought a bottle of Caress body wash coworker seems to cross a boundary of reasonableness down the whole ethnic route! Sound like a hypochondriac, since then the smell coming from, make. At my last job, a coworker suddenly complained about the fragrance of and! To play the where is the smell is so offensive to me looking for a lemon. Im not of your life entirely just because it was on sale the taste of and! As to be a problem it went something like ; '' Pete, I, for,. 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