I can share with you I have several friends who have retired from a military career and it is a great path. This time, it's a pandemic. And my response was, every market crash and market crashes, in my view, are something that are a normal part of the process. yer grammer be fine far as me can tell. I just wanted to let you know how much your advice helped me! This may be too specific a question among the myriad that must reach you, but if you have an assessment of this new offer by Vanguard, Im sure your German readers would appreciate it! My internet comments tend to be longer than I plan, so Ill put my most important piece first (sounds like I need to work on my writing, ha! Do you consider FAs that are have fiduciary responsiblity in the same bucket as the others? Should I look to bundle my money together in less funds? There is no VTSAX available. Jim you called and I was traveling. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2015/03/26/stocks-part-xxviii-debt-the-unacceptable-burden/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/category/education/. It covers woodworking tools, raw materials, techniques and constructions, veneering and marquetry, use of glass, metal and leather, and much more. Had the market turned around and plunged again, then I would have adjusted that withdrawal rate in a heartbeat. Plus, since they are bought and sold like stocks, they often have trading costs associated with them. We need to: The information seems to be available in German only, however: https://www.de.vanguard/de/fonds-etfs/fondsliste/weltweit. $6360 is a lot, especially since with our high-deductabel plan well be paying it all out of pocket. It was just the reason du jure. First, congratulations on getting out of nasty relationship. 17:47-23:40 J.L.'s advice on investing: the simple things are the most worth it. Then MF and MMM. D. C. are visiting their sister, Miss George Cralle. I especially liked your article on Dr. I want to save well, support a company with integrity, and then leave it alone until retirement. There's a certain percentage, and I think it's like 20% or 25% that will outperform it on any given year. JL Collins says she is not alone. Your guesting in ChooseFI is one of the most enlightening talks in investing. Jim, I have a logo design for you. I would be delighted to have you interview me and Im honored youd ask. Are there any charges for this. But, as I say in that post, Im not strongly opposed to it either. I called my husband at work and told him to find out if his was transferable while he was still employed and if not I will get as close to the same funds in Fidelity and switch everything around. As with all negotiations you want to be friendly. COLLINS. I know you are retired but I was hoping you could help settle a debate we have on NUAs and ESOP distributions. Morningstar Research Services shall not be responsible for any trading decisions, damages or other losses resulting from or related to the information, data analysis or opinions or their use. I now, am no longer worrying about our retirement thank you sir, I bow to your wisdom. And, of course, the media is going to focus on those and it's going to sound like, Wow, if only I'd gotten into that meme stock, I would have made a lot of money. I mentioned earlier that I'm in Las Vegas at the moment. and going with your advice, paying off the highest interest rate loans first. But when you stop earning that cash flow, and you decide to retire, whether you're taking a sabbatical, or you've come to the age where you're not going to work anymore, then you need something else, it seems to me, to balance out the volatility of stocks, and maybe to provide some dry powder to take advantage of the plunges. Thank you in advance for your time and for writing this book. I may be able to work when done for a federal program to repay that loan too. I bought the first one, a 72 Mark IV back in 84, sold it in 1988. Im not sure whether to be flattered or terrified. It doesnt go to print until the Spring, but I wanted to send you the Pdf of my pre print version. I kind of wish Id gotten to it sooner. While I dont really follow his reasoning, and remain suspicious that like most hedge fund managers hes likely looking to flog his own financial product as a solution, I think hes worth considering given his track record. The good news is, in this day and age, there is so much great information out there about how to approach the market correctly and successfully. I run 27GoodThings.com, if youd ever like to be a guest sharing three good things to read, three to watch, and three to use please let me know. Dear Mr. Collins, Glad Scott and Taylor turned you on to my book and that it has been a help. Not pure enough. And if you bought a house 20 years ago in San Francisco, you have a great story about how you made a ton of money. Our editor is intereted in your work The Simple Path to Wealth. In our roth we have VTSMX,VGTSX, and VBMFX. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2013/05/02/stocks-part-xvii-what-if-you-cant-buy-vtsax-or-even-vanguard/. I was wondering if you could help me understand this. My sense is we all have emotional issues around money, they just differ. Am 59years old and my husband is 60. VTSAX was created in 2000, but you use other stocks as representations of the market before then? And if you're an investment professional, there's less opportunity to get a bigger part of the clients' money out of them. Dang,Jim! 2. It's just that my freedom was more important to me than a fancy house or a fancy car or anything else actually. Instead of rolling fidelity to my new plan I was thinking of rolling to the IRA. Benz: You alluded to indexing earlier. Well, I made it and will be exploring the rest of your site, but just wanted to drop you a comment and let you know I made it . I am currently working as a software engineer, but I am always fascinated by investing research stuff. An easy read. First I read Richest man in Babylon. I just wanted to confirm that if anyone gets to accumulate their F you money, life is so much better and they might even be able to retire. He was a hospice doctor and is talking about not just investing but how to live your life well and lessons from the dying and how to have perspective on not only saving and investing, which is important--as I said earlier, can make your life infinitely better--but also not letting it take over your life and recognizing the other kinds of wealth that are available to us that are not financial. You made my day! Or more accurately, when people say, JL, that sounds like deprivation, having to set aside money that I can't spend in order to invest. And in my view, I've never seen it as deprivation. So i would ask you Jim if i can translate your book to Portuguese and distribute via PDF. So, investing was an avocation rather than a vocation for me. A percent of your net worth, the minimum starting at 70%. If you dollar cost average, it's only going to work for you if for whatever period you choose to deploy that money, the market goes down. So, I don't know the answer. So we put in everything else to get to that dollar amount. I only have access to fidelity Investments. Im Mike and Ive been on a bit of a mission to educate myself financially over the last 9 months or so. What were your thoughts when you were watching that unfold? I do not want to cash in my retirement savings (a target date fund) or my VTSAX. How do I send it? Hope you can help. S&P 500 ETF How about for someone in their 50s that has a decent growing retirement plan? gross. "Stocks--Part XV: Target Retirement Funds, the Simplest Path to Wealth of All," by JL Collins, jlcollinsnh.com, Dec. 18, 2012. He got into blogging when he realized, considering his family historywhich showed the men usually died after three score years and some change he may not live long enough to teach his grandchildren what he wanted to teach them about life and money. If so, is it a good idea to wait buying stocks till market drops such as these occur? If you are interested in my ideas, they are all laid out here in the blog and in my book. The idea that the U.S will default on its debt. Would you or have you changed your plan? He was viewed with great skepticism by the participants. That is for you to decide, once you have learned enough to make an informed decision. . I have 2 separate 401(k) plans from previous employers in Fidelity. Have a wonderful nice and safe Trip!!!! Thank you for the beautiful simplicity in your work, and for empowering so many people beyond your daughter. Peter Lynch was my first exposure to mutual funds. Here's the one I like: 25x the annual amount you spend/4% of your assets. . Which makes me hot. If you are interested in this idea we would love to know a by January 23, 2109. As I point out in this post: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2016/08/16/what-the-naysayers-are-missing/ many react with hostility instead of interest. Im new to your site and already finding useful stuff. I suggest you subscribe now. Thanks! I am posting this in the hopes youll share some wisdom for their situation as I have purchase your book for each of them as a holiday gift. BTW, did the Vanguard rep you spoke to know about my book when you mentioned it? And that's the case with most speculations. Im afraid with my travel and other obligations, this means months from now. Please call me back. JLCollinsnh - The Simple Path to Wealth Develop Your Skills and Talents by Shawn Jenkins By Shawn Jenkins and Jonathan Mendonsa Shawn Have you ever considered your career to be like a brokerage account for financial freedom? ls improving . PDF. After reading your website I opened an account with vanguard (IRA account). have around 95K in 401k, started 2012. this is in addition to my non-US investment. I think your mutual fund recommendations are great for people with limited math ability or no interest in investing, but what about you? Be sure to read the important Disclaimersregarding the content and advertising here. Painfully, I will have to consider the paid sales charges as costly mistakes. I have changed my 401k contributions to VTSAX and I plan to continue ignoring it while maintaining steady contributions for the long haul. Both small cap and value stocks have periodic runs where they are in favor, but then so too do large cap and growth companies. So, it would be the international stuff that is the most obvious. If so, it would be interesting to have you respond to apoorplayers suggestion that FIRE is the preserve of the white middle class here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2016/08/16/what-the-naysayers-are-missing/#comment-4215699. Does this mean that I can only invest in them with a minimum of $10K ? First thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge on building wealth. I think I have the explanation! I live in London which adds more complexity to my investment ambitions. This was the first civilized meal, but more important the conversation about how to handle their savings and investing. PER YEAR $ 39,403.80 4. Thanks for all your content! And it took me a decade after that, maybe a little longer, to finally let it sink in. I think it would be difficult to find a pure play in any mutual fund. During the 1930s, in the depression, the government made a concerted effort to help people get into homes, because they were concerned about political unrest. Hi! Over the past few weeks Ive been working my way through the various podcasts that youve been part of. I set out to start my own company Tiny Watts Solar and have since replaced my corporate salary and more recently even obtained health insurance ; ) An HSA with a high deductible ; ) Excited to use that too its fullest once I learn more on how to use it. Lo can't save you. I started a non-profit, ngpf.org, to improve the quality of financial education in high schools. My guess is likely not. I would have written off a thought like that as saccharine and inane a few years ago, but now I realize how empowering it is. I have bought your book and have been investing in your style for a few years (via canIretireyet.com). There is a 5-star Amazon review from you somewhere in your comment if you are so inclined. Hi JL. After reading much of Collins marketing stories, i can tell that he came in at an advantage.being able to travel the world at a young age, being able to leave job when young. Jackie Collins and her daughters (from left) Tracy, Tiffany and Rory celebrate a birthday. I routinely cruise a number of FI blogs, but havent seen anyone discussing the impacts of our current inflationary economic environment. . It's a pleasure to be here. Any thoughts would be immensely appreciated. Enjoy a great reading experience when you buy the Kindle edition of this book. I was a case study of yours, #11 I think, a small business owner, back around 2015 or so. So, what does a month in Ecuador cost anyway? Could you please advise if the Chinese translation rights are handled by you directly and is still available? Im kinda retired, will be 60 next month, an investor for 45 years, two kids and a long marriage. With all this said, I seek to grow all three buckets of resources and find your writing super helpful toward that end. Any idea why you chose to list Kashmir separately? The market did bounce back in stunningly a short period of time, which, of course, I had no idea that it was going to do and nobody else did, either. BTW, please tell them 5-star reviews on Amazon are always welcome! So, instead, I wrote a summary post covering costs, efficient frontier and why 100% stocks, and pointed the readers to your stock series for elaborate study. Open up Index funds! We both work for the same employer. Jim: Ive been following all the advice and have been religiously dollar cost averaging into the S&P index, or the closest I could come to that, across multiple companies and 401(k)s over the last 20 years. The Stocks Series has really helped me think through my investing decisions. i love your blog. https://www.madfientist.com/sane-fientist-interview/. . Best, It's just that I've spent at least half of those dimes over the years buying the thing that was most important to me, and that's my freedom, that's my time. If you own the asset, I believe the 60/40 allocation theory holds up in most cases. For more see: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2015/06/02/stocks-part-viii-the-401k-403b-tsp-ira-roth-buckets/. But to me, a bond funds seem to have the limited upside that is a feature of bonds with all the volatility of stocks. i ask because all the tax attorneys i came across are not well versed with NRA taxation. It is very hard for me to provide much help on your question. We also sell both admissions and sponsorship packages for our investment conferences and advertising on our websites and newsletters. This is a common issue, Lyssa. So, anyway. In many posts you disavow market timing, and buying stocks on sale seems on first sight to be a form of market timing. That didnt help give me an edge over the Index fund over a 10 year period. You have to be willing to accept the fact that at any given moment, the money you have invested in stocks has the potential of dropping dramatically. My thinking about it is this. Excited that we have some mutual friends and we are excited to see their film & read Playing with FIRE!. I went to the automatic investments page on Vanguard, and saw that it does allow me to setup a monthly investment of $500 into VTSAX. Probably for the same reason I list Goa separately and Zanzibar separate from Tanzania. What lifestyle do you want (assuming you can afford it)? A single 25-year-old banker in San Diego can sleep on the park bench, eat out of the McDonalds dumpster, walk to work and save 99% of their income. Thanks. Collins' first book, The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life was published in 2016 and has been an international best-seller. That said, shes reading your book today, and were going to implement the primary concepts of your book. Im am not trying to get rich overnight, I just feel that with the uncertainty in my life, I need to take my retirement into my own hands. Is there a way to pay for just your audiobook directly to you or someplace else other than having to subscribe to some monthly fee from a large corporation? This is Rachel Choi at Eric Yang Agency, one of the leading literary agencies in Korea. New job for you or volunteer work? Ptak: I wanted to shift over to real estate if we could. An associate of mine said, This is pretty interesting stuff. I shared it with him. In the wealth building phase should dividends be reinvested? GBP or ZAR in 2008. Outside the comments of people who are clearly the ones you recommend not invest in the stock market, lay an upset reader saying dont buy this book because the same content is on his blog. Is FID 500 Index similar to VTSAX? So my wife recently went into the hospital for a gullbladder surgery. Ernest Hemingway spent much time there will covering the Spanish Civil War. And the right attitudes that you need to have to do that. And rich. This advisor put us into American Funds. As to whether people can learn--one of the things that I wrestle with in my own advice. Just let me know. Can you sum up your thesis on that? No time frame, some guests have a list created in a few days, others take a few weeks. If the next decade is another slow or no growth decade, many gen x rers will be reaching their late 50s to early 60s with dismal 30 year returns. I recommend your book to everyone who will listen. So, not only does she not have to worry about those market drops, they can work in her favor. That was by the realtor board (imagine that?!) This seems to fall in line with your advise on investing. Collins: That's an interesting question, Jeff. Followed it up with with a re-read of Bogles The Little Book of Comm Sense Investing. What better person to feature on my blog than you. Your book has a lot of rock solid advice, but this one threw me. Ive traveled to and around those places by plane, train, bus, boat, subway, taxi, hired car, motorcycle, bicycle, rickshaw, hitch-hiking, foot, horse, donkey and elephant. Too cold. Whereas a broad-based index fund is only deploying your money. I want to email you if possible. My wife gave notice at her job last week and Im building up the courage to do the same. The main character, Erik, is a fan. I was promoted to full-time electrical engineer when I graduated and I worked for about 2 months before I said, NO WAY! Could you elaborate a little bit on that? So far no Italian publisher has expressed interest. Chautauqua 2015 Reviews, 2016 registration open, Case Study #15: The Scavenger Life -- Freedom first, then Financial Independence, 3rd Annual (2015) Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2016, Personal Capital; and how to unload your unwanted stocks and funds, Stockchoker: A look back at what your investment might have been, Case Study #14: To Dream the Impossible Dream (and then realize it), Gone for Summer, an important note on comments and random cool stuff that caught my eye, Stocks Part VIII: The 401(k), 403(b), TSP, IRA & Roth Buckets, Stocks -- Part XXVIII: Debt - The Unacceptable Burden, Case Study #12: Escaping a soul-crushing job before you're 70, Case Study #11: John, a small business owner in transition, Trish and Stan take an Intrepid Sailing Voyage, 2014 Annual Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2015, Chautauqua February 7-14, 2015: Escape from Winter, Stocks -- Part XXVII: Why I Dont Like Dollar Cost Averaging, Jack Bogle and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Do you have any experience with these? If things work out as I plan, Ill be working about 30% of the time now. If you dont have time I can always use quotes from your website and a link back to your site, that would also be helpful. DEBT: Student Loans + A few credit cards along the way = BAD (guilt shame embarrassment etc). I am sure I am going to go with vanguard. Thanks for writing and for the article. I was eight. Can you please share details? Apple, Amazon, Tesla and, of course, BRKB. Copyright 2023 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. Is there another option to invest in smaller amounts over a period of time ? Ill answer them as best I can and maybe it will turn into a Case Study post! I am not able to find it. 3: i contribute to a 403b where my employer contributes 2%, and contribute to a 529 but wondering if i should also do a traditional ira not sure if i should max out these retirement savings first or once again take care of high interest debt. However, if you read thru this: https://jlcollinsnh.com/stock-series/ Chautauqua 2018 Greece: A week for the gods! Are you serious? Haven't gotten into more trouble since either, other than just some more college DEBT. If its not to your liking, Ill remove the character, P.S. Currently, a person can give up to $100,000 per year (after 70.5 years of age) via a QCD to a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt entities. Im reaching out because we think you would be a great Partner for us. Please email me. Katharina.loix ad gmail.com. And then, the day after that is the day the market drops 40%. And if you don't pay any attention, you could wind up 30 years later with a huge pile of money that you could have enjoyed along the way. I would like to know which Korean agency handles the Korean translation rights of Now that I am living on my portfolio, I have the dividends sent to me. The. is soothing and sounds like the kind of father I never had, giving me Its not just your daughter who is benefitting from all this! . Itsabout what has worked for me and what has kicked me in the ass. We wanted to share it with you. We connected on Twitter about publishing your book in South East Asia. I know that I cant time the market. Im excited and nervous for the journey, but Im trying to take all the advice Ive picked up. I am a polish publisher specialized in books about investing, trading, money. Your daughter is so lucky to have you and your wife. Anyhow, I am thinking of going back to school for a PA program as I have worked very hard and taken pre-reqs for 2 years (without debt) and am now applying to graduate schools. I am seeking a link to my website. Good to know at least one person is interested! I just wanted to let you know that as of November 2018 VTSMX is no longer available. I just had a great flashback of burning sage and glowing lava stones, and crawling from a sweat-lodge onto the cool earth beneath that magical New Mexico moon. I read your book and other authors about investing. Now, for my second question, which has to do more with the psychology of investing. Hi JL, I too have a blog where I help urban millennials make wiser money choices and for the month of November I want to focus on investing and the simple path to wealth. They are only making Collins index fund greater so that he will never have to work. Unfortunately thats not how it works. I started selling flyswatters door-to-door and picking up empty pop bottles from the side of the road to turn in for the 2-cent deposit. More and more I see my work plagiarized and stolen. THANK YOU! JL Collins joins Carl and Doug to talk about a terrible investment experience with Real Estate. If I own a treasury issued by the United States government that is good for 10 years and pays a 3% yield, I can be assured that I will earn my 3% coupon every year for 10 years and then receive my initial investment back at the end of the term (unless the government goes away or defaults and we have a much larger problem). Unfortunately, 20 years ago I was still making my own mistakes. Dear Mr Collins, What Im trying to say is you make my girlfriend hot. Actually, as we talked about earlier, Mr. Bogle brought out his first index fund the same year I started investing, but that didn't benefit me for the reasons we discussed soon enough. You can read my thoughts for yourself and then decide. They very much match your own. But right now, I am not sure, what this conditions x,y,z could be. Well also pay cash so that comes to ($xxx 20%). The Simple Path to Wealth is now Published! My expectations were confirmed, but not to the degree that you were let down. But now I feel like such a fool. And it's very possible that one day you're going to wake up and your stock portfolio is cut by 40% or 50%. Glad you found your way over here. Could someone explain how this mutual fund works in regards to this topic? What's your thought on that strategy? Stocks Part XVII: What if you can't buy VTSAX? Any other gotcha state taxes or fees to be aware of there? I want your book, I hate to read books. Research indicates, going out 30 years, less than 1% of active fund out perform. A big Hi! 401k) 74% built wealth outside of a company . So, as my daughter likes to tease me today, says, You know, Dad, if I'd listened to you, there'd be no blog, there'd be no blog.. Thank you! Im honored you are considering my book for your seniors. Not that I deserve it. And I'm very much in favor of that. As someone who doesnt live in the USA, it has been sobering to watch the pandemic unfold there. No longer worrying about our retirement thank you sir, I bow to your wisdom I. 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Ymca Torrance Membership Fee, Lavender Smells Bad After Covid, Articles J