What's most intriguing about Malachy's prophecy is that it is ready to complete now with the new 112th pope in his and our lifetime. The dragon is present as well in an honored spot in various places the same Roman dragon of Wales and The Order of the Dragon monarch society. However, Ratzinger announced the name under which he would occupy the papacyBenedict XVI. It is really quite amazing, but there are actually 3 biblical messages to one of the 2 witnesses. That is why we call the Bishop of Rome, Pope. Although most experts arrive to this basic conclusion, there are many interpretations to the signs that will usher in the time of tribulation or revelations. We try to help our readers better understand their lives; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for any professional medical guidance. We see that the Bible was in the making during a period of about twenty centuries During all that period it was constantly entrusted to a divinely instituted authority: the priesthood of Aaron in the Old Testament time, and the priesthood under Peter in the New. He was 76 years of age when elected pope and chose to take the name Pope Francis for his papal name. Be the first to receive news, updates and giveaways! Peter was just a small stone built atop the bewdrock of something much bigger than himself namely the truth that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God. Many thought that surely this would be the final pope. Overlooking St. Peters Square, the announcement was made that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina had been elected pope. After all, there was no such thing as a Ratzinger olive. (fig tree parables). It immediately became apparent to all that this was going to be a much different pope. A letter from Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto (who became Pope Pius X in 1903) as quoted. Even for people with only a cursory knowledge of end time Bible prophecy, the parallels between Malachy's final pope prophecy above and Bible prophecy are obvious: By the way, don't be surprised that Malachy says the church will be persecuted. He declined the use of the normal archbishops limousine, instead riding the bus to his office each day. And four great beasts came up out of the sea, different from one another. No one knew. Until the milestones identified by Bible prophecy appear, we should not expect (or fear) the end times to begin soon. If you have found a spelling error, please, notify us by selecting that text and tap on selected text. Thanks. 6. Malachis vision is TRUE !!! The short answer to the question of whether the word pope is in the Bible is Yes and No. Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief. But it certainly is going to be interesting, isnt it? What's more surprising about the Petrus Romanus prophecy is its perspective that the returning judge (Jesus) is terrible or dreadful. Jesus Christ is supposed to only be a terror to the wicked (Mt 24:30). For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. This would translate to putting us two or, at most, three decades before Jesus returns which is an exciting prospect to most believers. Coronavirus: Did Nostradamus predict the deadly Virus? As one of the most enduring and prominent institutions in human history, the pope is uniquely positioned to influence the world so powerfully. Arnold Wion made this prophecy and attributed it to St. Malachy in order to avoid attention from the Roman Inquisition. Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction. We do not need a division of 1000 different churches and ultra-wealthy churches. What gives? Beware of the false translations like the NIV. Pope Francis outward simplicity hides a steely determination to advance Jesuit principles, especially on the importance of traditional Catholic teachings and protection of the poor and the oppressed. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. The Next One Is March 14, 2025! (See Endtimes DVD, Holy Roman Empire Reborn). [] https://escapeallthesethings.com/last-pope-prophecy/ []. Saint Malachy was the Archbishop of Armagh who had a vision while visiting Rome in 1139. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27-28). There is a time and a season for everything under the sun. (which after that, everyone is either beheaded or taking the mark). Psalm 139:13-14's reference to "being wonderfully made" in the "womb," is frequently referenced within non-affirming theologies to support the idea that being transgender or non-binary and pursuing medically necessary health care is a rejection of God as the designer of life. Publication date: Feb 15, 2023. Then a pope candidate (papabile) will seized the position by force/illegitimately. Would this be a long conclave or a short one? Therefore, the pope is positioned better than anyone on the scene to fulfill this prophecy. Here's a translation of the lines for the last pope, pope number 112 - Peter the Roman: In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop]. Revelation 13:12-1412 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. The office of the Pope is called the Papacy, also known as the Apostolic See (or Holy See), based on the understanding that the Pope is the successor . Speaking to pilgrims in a rain-soaked St. Peter . Malachy also stated that God would judge His people and the city of Rome would be destroyed during the reign of the last pope. extrema S.R.E. These miracles will be used to deceive the people of the world. But the Roman Catholic Church has ignored the Bible in order to secure control of what its people believe. The Parable answers: everyone, especially those who are hurting. Visit the Bible online to search for words if you dont know the specific passage yourre looking for. Pietro Parolin is a Globalist. All your leaders have fled together; without the bow they were captured. Yes, that is what it means. So, really, are we to take this for real? Here's a translation of the lines for the last pope, pope number 112 - Peter the Roman: Rule 13 of Ignatius Rules for Thinking with the Church said: That we may be altogether of the same mind and in conformityif the Church shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black.. (See Endtimes DVD series, Understanding the Endtime). One of them was Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone, born in Romano Canavese, Italy and serving as Vatican Secretary of State since 2006. The answer should be obvious now. Learn how your comment data is processed. #1 - He is the Successor of Peter When Jesus Christ established his Church, he appointed Simon to lead it. San Francisco supervisors vote to allow non-profits to operate supervised drug injection sites, 'True Lies' spices up a marriage through spy work in a series version of the movie, Arrest made after video seemingly shows shooting and killing of man on a downtown St. Louis sidewalk in broad daylight, Closing arguments underway in the Alex Murdaugh trial, Sen. Mike Lee says his personal Twitter account was suspended. What Miracles Did Pope John Paul II Perform? []. CoronaVirus and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Copy. Thats the apostolic succession that has, to date, given the Catholic Church 266 popes. COVID-19: The Real Danger is Agenda ID2020. How many times has someone foretold the End? Jesus words: On March 12, 2013, the Cardinals entered the Vatican, and doors were locked. Even wicca, Islam, Hinduism and any other false pagan religion in the world will join in with the rest. Reverse it and it makes sense. Reflect on these Bible verses and pray for children, families, and communities in need. Apart from this official translation, some You were never a Catholic and therefore I am offended that you think you can speak for us. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. According to catholic doctrine, theres a straight line from the authority and supremacy of the pope to Saint Peter, the head of the apostles and early church. Get the book from the interview here or read all about it here. The pope at the time, Paul VI, accused the Jesuits of loose discipline. He thought the superior general of the Jesuits, Fr. N Then people will move on to the next "prophecy" as always. 1 Cor. If it's right (not saying it is), we are now one pope's tenure away from Jesus' return. An initial Clarification 2. Given that the average reign of a pope is 7.5 years and the two longest reigns were only 31 years (Pope Pius IX) and 26 years (Pope John Paul II), this means that we have at most three decades and probably more like one or two. It may be extra-biblical prophecy (not even endorsed by the Catholic church). Timmeh, my pastor once remarked on how well the Catholic prophecies line up with the Bible as long as you remember to reverse the perspective from good to evil and evil to good. On February 11, 2013, Pope Benedict shocked the world by announcing his intention to resign from the papacy. The rise of cohabitation and casual sex has a serious impact on individuals and society as a whole. check out these links concerning the final pope and the answer to who peter the roman is: https://www.avoicewithinamerica.com/final_pope.html, In fact, I was a Catholic until I read the Bible through for myself-something I was never encouraged to do by Catholicism.. Nowhere except in catholic documents do you find that Peter became "bishop" of Rome. This ominous prediction is related to the terrible visions of Pope St. Pius X which foretold of a disaster at Vatican City which would involve both a pope and a successor of the same name. That successor is Joseph Ratzinger who shares a name with Giuseppe Sarto. IF YOU BELIEVE ASTROLOGY, you will believe Malachy; This is a story about emotional intelligence and three of the most powerful words in the universe. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 - For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. Join 30,000 subscribers receiving Tim's new articles and updates by email. To some that meant the end of the world would then come. All Rights Reserved, Names Of The Twelve Disciples {Explained!}. Today we see attacks on the Pope and his authority from three very different sources. Had the cardinals gotten more than they had bargained for? Rev 13:11 (KJV) - And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. What does the Bible say about Vladimir Putin ? Both prophet and priest are ungodly; even in my house I have found their evil, declares the Lord. Some non-believers will become believers along the way, and some believers will be offended when there is no pretrib rapture and betray other believers over to the Beast and his mark (Mt 24:10). Recognizing that all Popes who have been head of the Roman Catholic church during my lifetime have been men of high integrity and sincere devotion to that church, I have respect for each . Have you heard of the Book of Truth ? Malachy said there will be 112 popes but the current pope is the 266th pope. It is the Word of life be sown, a gift that the Risen Jesus asks us to accept in order to have life in His name," Pope Francis tweeted. (See, I'm not purposely anti-Catholic). You might think that a transition of popes would be of no interest to those watching for solid signs of the Apocalypse. While the Vatican area has existed since the early church and was a major religious centre, its only recently in 1929 that it became a political jurisdiction. But you have to consider that in these short descriptions for each pope in the prophecy, we have something very similar to common horoscopes. Your continued reference that you were once a Catholic so you therefore understand Catholicism is a Lie. The Holy Roman Empire, which will be in power during the reign of the Antichrist and the False Prophet, was reborn on November 3, 2009. Am unconvinced that the US is "greater" than the UK. When John Paul II died on April 2, 2005, articles were written pointing out that the pope who would replace John Paul II would be the 111th pope. Nov 6, 2017. The Bible says the last pope will be in alliance with the worlds last political leader the Antichrist. If the Antichrist is going to be the head of the coming One World Government, he ought to have been a lesser political ruler already. So, what does the Bible say about Christmas? Jesus Christ appointed Simon to "feed" His flock. The Bible is rich in wisdom about God's love for people living in poverty and about our responsibility to help. Ive read the Bible through myself and remain a Catholic. This authority to bind and loose is commonly interpreted as the authority of confession and penance. Others argue that the olive signifies Israel. We have a pope! What Happens If A Catholic Marries A Divorced Person? No, because certain things in the Bible can be misunderstood, and because the Bible does not have everything God taught" - Catechism, p. 51. Col. 1:18 ). I would wager good money that most Catholics were like me. VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The work of journalists is to listen and convey the truth of what was really said, Pope Francis told a Catholic weekly magazine. If the final seven years begins in two or three years, the pope would be even older by the time all of the prophesied world events culminated. The Vatican has been known to contain stockpiles of astrological books but do you ever hear them referenced? "I would also like to take this opportunity to thank, through you, all journalists for their work. If you understood Catholicism, you never would have left. Finally, the white smoke billowed out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel. And the scriptures graphically portray the destruction of Rome, the city of seven hills, during the reign of the final pope. The clue to his identity is Peter the Roman. What was going on inside the Sistine Chapel? Popes Prophecy Are we reaching the end of time? Both Malachy and the Bible agree that he reigns during the Great Tribulation in which he plays a key role. People will say, Im not a false prophet, Im just drawing conclusions from history and the news. Right, and would they retain their audience if they didnt put some spin on their essays? (CNS photo/Paul Haring) Then as I looked its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it. Nostradamus 2019 prediction: Trump assassination attemt, War and Hard Brexit. The False Prophet will endorse a program of global socialism, causing all people to receive a mark or number that will be required for buying and selling. Contact me: openbibleinfo (at) gmail.com. H We will just have to wait and see how events develop. (This is perhaps appropriate given that the papacy and Catholic church are man-made religious institutions supported by mere tradition, not by Scripture or the teachings of Jesus in whose name they come (Mt 24:5).). It is a noble profession: to convey the truth," he said in an interview with Tertio, a Belgium . Jesus even changed Simon's name, saying, " [Y]ou are Peter [which means "Rock"], and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18). 1. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and . Non-Catholics 3. The scriptures call the last pope the False Prophet. Pedro Arrupe, should have been cracking down on his priests in Latin America who were practicing Liberation Theology. This fake claim first appeared on a satirical website in 2018. Nearly anything that is said can in some way be found to match some aspect of Pope Francis. Another key point of interest for people who follow Bible prophecy is what Malachy says about the circumstances surrounding the last pope. This is the chapter where the dreaded mark of the beast that they force on people is introduced as well. The scriptures say nothing about "Peter the Roman". They have a huge history of homosexual parties and child molestation charges and child sacrifices one need only look at all their statues and the serpents lining everywhere you look to know these top people were never of God. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If Catholic readers were somehow not offended by the previous paragraph, I suspect my next point on who the pope is in Bible prophecy will use up the rest of their good will (sorry, guys). K telescope on Mt. 60 Reasons America is Mystery Babylon (Not Iraq), Daniel 7 and 8 call him "the little horn" among other hornswith the horns explained there to be. Nearly, Print page cleanly (Javascript must be on). Mark Regnerus, in his book Cheap Sex, notes that there used to be a kind of social contract; the price men had to pay for sexual intimacy was the commitment and security of marriage that women wanted.But with the rise of sex outside of marriage, men tend to get what they want, while women lose . They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." -- Matthew 7:15 A serious warning from God's Word for all Catholics: A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: "If anyone worships the beast and his image and He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! Only some meats. Coronavirus Cases Maybe 10 Times Higher Than Reported ! He said he saw every pope that would exist from the time of his vision until the last pope. Simply put, Peter was not the rock, Christ is the Rock. Remember when God told Adam that the seed He would rise up would get a wound on His heal and the savoir would give him a deadly blow to the head. The prophecy of St. Malachy contains five elements: The prophecies of the Bible perfectly agree with the first three points of the Malachy prophecy. But, I could be wrong! For example, notice these scriptural titles for the Antichrist: These passages give the idea not of a religious leader, but of a prominent political ruler. Through miracles and the Mark of the Beast he will give validity and complete support to the Antichrist. Because the signal was delayed so long, some began to speculate that a pope had been chosen. There is always a reason behind the names that new popes choose to reign under. How quickly will a new pope be elected? No smokewhite or black. After Linus came Clement, then Anacletus, then Evaristus and so on. He was wrong! Every subsequent commentator has gone by Messinghams shortened version, and that is why everyone supposes that Pope Francis must be Petrus Romanus. He may be dreadful to Antichrist-worshiping Catholics, but not to the saints. Pope Francis greets the crowd during the general audience on Oct. 13, 2021, at the Vatican (CNS Photo/Paul Haring) "I do not condemn capitalism in the way some attribute to me. U TopicalBible The future of 2023 is gloomy according to Nostradamus. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. S For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. 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