At first, there's nothing, but then you slowly realize there's nothing. Landon expresses that they would like to remain united and why they need him. Hope now thanks otherwise and asks Lizzie to show her the spell. Malivore sends the dybbuk to Movie in the Square and reveals that the only way to kill it is to kill the host. An open gate signifies an entry point into a new beginning, while a closed gate usually means there's something holding you back. Out on the road, the bartender's phone rings. Hope claims to have done him a favor. Hope is walking in the middle of the road and the man mistakes her for being on drugs. They lie on the ground, unconscious as a figure emerges from the crater. Meanwhile at the school, Hope notices that everyone except her is a little too merry. Aurora tells her that she has no idea what she's doing and, like her father, is being reckless. In the woods, Hope confronts Landon about his behavior. She turns around and grabs Ethan by the throat, lifting him up off the ground. Monique is about to stab the baby when Marcel comes in and kills her. In Ashes to Ashes, Klaus daggers himself and Dahlia to give his siblings more time to save Hope. Lizzie attempts to get Hope to separate her fear and anger while her darkness pushes her further, that her friends will die remembering the worst version of her. The real name of Hope Mikaelson is Danielle Rose Russell. At least at a fundamental level, she can relate. Cleo leaves to get Alaric, as Hope fears that Malivore has taken Landon as his vessel. None of them are good. She will be completely immortal, except in the world and many her! Her dark side attempts to taunt her, telling her that the gods are coming and when they're dead, she'll be coming back to her. Jen tells her it's a long story, but refuses to elaborate on the details. The Mikaelson Family (Elder Futhark: ) is a powerful family whose line dates back at least to the then Kingdom of Norway in the late 10th century with Mikael and Esther, a wealthy landowner and a Viking warrior, and a housewife and a witch, respectively. She'd put herself in danger first because she can take it. Eventually, they'll run out of cages and chains and spells. She notices the flowers on her nightstand shrivel and die, and knows that her father is at the compound. Hope tells him that she believes he is already at the school, however, and Alaric warns her that he is dangerous and she must do all she can to lure him away from the school. Hope is next seen with Hayley as she helps Freya look for the cure for the poison. Freya tells her that Kol speaks the truth. She questions him again whether or not his boat will take her to peace. Around the room, Freya lights candles and she notices the necklace that was given to her long ago. With Lizzie by her side, they astral project into the prison world. Aurora emerges from the dust with the spear. While rummaging through the objects that the leprechaun consumed, she finds the ascendant that she thought Alyssa had destroyed. Her Humanity tells her that she is the worst part of her. And Klaus finally killed his own father as he didn't want that his selfish wish of a father made his daughter in danger. In Every Mother's Son, Hayley says that she will be glad to kill Esther as she wanted to kill Hope. She has the bloodline records and it's only a matter of time before she figures out who she is. The closest between them wins. They enjoy her company and laugh at the various stories. . Hope tells him to not be a stranger. how much does a quartered deer weigh. The girls continue to have a strong friendship and mutual connection, with Josie ensuring Hope didn't feel alone before her transition into a tribrid. Great. Alaric asks her if she's ready to give up on Landon and Cleo. She chooses to clean the garbage and is joined by Josie while the others follow Lizzie to clean the graffiti. She's been running them into the buzz saw all day like they're expendable, citing that she only cares about herself. He believes it's a mistake, but Hope reassures him it's not. This sword won't even kill her, yet he won't even try, believing he doesn't have what it takes. They're all complicated and Hope has the very best parts of Klaus in her. In January 2022, ScreenRant ranked the ten most stylish characters of "Legacies" and Mikaelson came second, beaten only by the character of Josie Saltzman. She is approached by a pig, who she questions about Josie. Sophie then demanded that Klaus help her or she would kill the baby and its mother. Lizzie and Hope remain unharmed by Aurora's escape. She was angry when she learned he took the coward's way out when she had been awakened. Hope admits that she has figured out that a vortex opens each time she practices magic and the problem is that she has never fully activated her vampire side therefore cannot kill Malivore. Hope does feel something, though truthfully, it's boredom. At the start of a new semester, Hope dresses in her formal uniform. Except for a way to win the game. At first glance, he'd assumed it was a forgery, but based on his preliminary analysis points to the sarcophagus being ancient. Alaric explains that her emotions will be on overdrive and she'll be disoriented. Whilst Alaric prepares his crossbow, Hope prepares an artificial sunlight bomb to use on the creature, who she assumes is a troll. Malivore believes that Hope is underestimating him, but Hope is a monster to which he has never seen. Hope brings the Ascendant to Lizzie, asking if she knows where Alaric keeps his stash of Bennett Blood, to which she remarks she can think of at least three locations. Hope casts another spell, throwing the monster across the floor. Seeing that Landon is dead, Hope takes him to the woods. She asks him what will be come of her once she gives birth. Hope questions that maybe she can help her become chill and offer for her to join her and Landon for movie night. MG plans to leverage their vampiric abilities and dive into Malivore's mind. To her peers, she seems closed off. She telekinetically takes a sword from Alaric's hidden weapons cache and goes hunting herself. Genevieve hands the baby over, but Monique slits Hayley's throat only a few moments later. While Landon is in the kitchen, she helps him out and tries to play him into getting the urn and going on a road trip. Landon is alive. Gates are a common symbol in dreams as they represent thresholds in life. He assumes he's right about the plan and Hope confirms that their best chance is triggering the god bomb up front. Hope didn't push Lizzie into the pool and Lizzie, despite it being her voice, didn't make the announcement. The longer Malivore remains alive, the more innocent people are in danger. She believes that Hope hates how much she relates to Aurora. She then looks out the window at night and Roman appears. Hope is surprised that she missed, removes the stake and turns to finish it herself, though Lizzie meant to do that, which means she broke the sire bond. They don't need her, but they want her here, because they still believe the real her is still there. They are then approached by a dragon which attempts to kill them, but Hope is able to scare it away. Later Klaus confesses to Elijah that all is his fault and that he should have accepted Hayley's pregnancy - and now his daughter is away from him. In revenge for the murder, Hope decapitates the Necromancer, but this does not kill him. As a child she has long auburn hair and light blue eyes. To get the information she wants from Aurora, Hope decides to torture her and commands Lizzie to remove her daylight ring. The hunter flees when Hope transforms back into herself and prepares to attack him with his own weapon. Extending a hand, she asks Aurora to break the cycle and Aurora accepts her hand. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. During her telephone conversation with Alaric, she informs him that she wants a place on the honor council, being the only tribrid. He receives a note informing that she, Lizzie and Josie are summoned by the headmaster. They believe that Ken is going to return to the school for her. She also repairs her friendships and embraces her newfound status. Rebekah doesn't care for Brandy's attitude, and compels her to run along and change the music. Hope scoffs and questions if Ken really sent her into battle not knowing if his weapon would work. In Til the Day I Die, she is at the cemetery laying a flower on Bill's memorial, Klaus comes to see her and he tries to comfort her but it doesn't work, she always feels bad. Trial by single combat. Deep down, she knows what's coming. Lizzie is the distraction as Hope goes behind her to break her neck with a spell. Ryan is an orphan and only child now. She says that what she did didn't help because the dark line is back and evokes the transformation she must do without her mother, Klaus offers his help but she answers that for now she needs to be alone, so he leaves her. She agrees, but before she can safely return to the school she is confronted by another creature from Malivore. Her humanity is off, which by Rebekah's understanding wasn't even by her choice. Hope sits on the cell floor, drawing a sigil. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is a former major recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Truthfully, she just doesn't know if he'd think this place is special, too, and she's trying to make the right decision. Back in her room, she takes the page of a grimoire for a death spell. Hope quips back that her weakness is the only reason she exists. Hope questions how long they have been in Malivore, but Clarke does not know and tells her that it could be a month or a year. Hope finds MG in the woods, dying of a werewolf bite from the night when he killed Landon, and activating his phoenix powers. Hope continues to attack, drawing his fire, distracting him. Hope points out that just leave him and he assures her that he'll hang back and support them with cover fire, so long as his leg holds up. Agatha was kind enough to reveal where their werewolf den was, deciphering it from all her screams. Back in the cellar, she does a spell to show him a million stars in a night sky and they kiss before she leaves again. She then encounters Landon in the woods and uses his jacket to cover up. After some time passes, she visits Landon in the cell and tells him he'll be there until the vervain is out of his system, and tells him that she is sorry about everything and that it was good to see him again. She attempts to attack Hope, and she questions which wants to die first. I can feel her. Though it's not nearly as fancy or powerful as Papa Tunde's blade, she hopes it's just as painful. He tells her he'll find someone else to train him instead. Later, walking through the hallway, she finds a poster for a musical on a bulletin board - Salvatore: The Musical. Lizzie doesn't understand what she's talking about as she was showering out the chlorine from the pool. Otherwise, she wonders if she'll have to find her absentee mother. An edit on Hope Mikaelson plus her Mum and Dad, Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner.Song- Someone you loved He invites her into the home and she walks in. Leaving Hope distraught and finally opening up about her uncertainly of Klaus finding peace and expressing survivor guilt about his death. He tells her that despite their differences there is no one that he would trust more with the life of his daughter. She hopes he rots in hell as he takes his final breath. The character Hope Andrea Mikaelson plays a vital role in the mythology of the Vampire Diaries universe at large. Rupert tells her she has one move left. MG and Lizzie and Kaleb and Cleo embrace one another in hugs as they break and embrace everyone. Hope uses the transfusion braid and performs the transfusion ritual on Ryan. He takes the baby with him. Josie takes a quick liking to Hope. Alaric and Dorian talk. Halfway through their stars, Pedro is the sixth one to present to Hope. Lizzie scoffs at her remark and leaves. Hope admits she was wrong, this is fun for her. She also begins to wear more rings, hooped earrings, and less necklaces, having given her Mikaelson necklace to Rebekah. Her father, Klaus (Joseph Morgan), was the Original Hybrid, meaning he was both a vampire and a werewolf. Cleo proposes an idea that may help her. Before Malivore can continue his plans of torture, they're engulfed in a bright white light and they're expelled from his consciousness. Having stolen a black magic grimoire from Professor Vardemus and intends to recreate something similar to Papa Tunde's Blade. She goes to the bathroom to collect herself and bumps into Maya, who offers counsel on her "boy troubles". With blood dripping down, she casts another spell to form a sword with her blood. They plan to blast whatever comes out of the hole with a spell, but the summoning spell erupts in a burst of fire that throws the three witches backwards into the air. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and they were carried off on the wind. She is also a main character in Legacies . Ryan says it was on their first date. Hayley can't seem to settle her so Jackson offers a helping hand. They love and miss her, as they do her. She then gets angry when Roman tries to compare his mother to hers, and she wonders what's happening to her as marks begin to creep up on her arm. It was because it was over something she'd never get back. Genevieve and Monique Deveraux inform her that they plan on sacrificing the baby for The Ancestors. Landon tells her that what he did came at a cost, one that being on the mortal plane is making him realize is steeper than he thought. With this information, Hope decides she'll leave, but Rebekah tells her that she'll miss the show. The three of them embrace in a hug as Alaric approaches. Alaric wants her to prove it, to use the Manticulum and ask the question. She was unique, like when he found out he was a fairy. Hope explains that this is her home and she doesn't know who she'd be without it. This plan fails, however, when it is revealed that Landon is no longer a phoenix having been resurrected as a human. She wants to know where the vampire is but he shows her the Triad sigil. Hope accepts her fate and tells him that she's going to miss the way he makes her laugh. ." In You Hung the Moon, Hayley returns to the compound to reclaim custody of her daughter. Opening it, he finds Agatha, though she's covered in burns and assumes that she's had a run-in with the tribrid. Hayley is Hope's mother and it is shown various times that Hayley strongly loves her daughter. Josie's trick didn't work, but she figured that. Alaric, MG, Kaleb, Lizzie and Josie arrive just in time to see the creature fall, but when Hope turns back, they realize that the monster was another missing student; Blake. Mikaelson is the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, born 15th June 1812. She explains that when her emotions are heightened, being a vampire is indescribably beautiful, but she asks her what is the point if she can't appreciate it. The more she keeps avoiding that truth, the more people she puts at risk. In You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know, Hope walks through the campus of Mystic Falls High School as Sheriff Machado arrives. Malivore arrives just in time to witness Hope's complete transition. She is always seen wearing her mother's stone necklace, a Mikaelson family crest necklace, a wishbone necklace, and earrings. Lizzie appears behind him and siphons from him, but she's overwhelmed and blown back by a gust of wind. If she earns those ten points, then Vincent will drop the spell that's keeping her here. She tells her to close her eyes, focus her breath and Freya casts the spell. As Elijah is hesitant to carry her in his arms, Rebekah encourages him saying that all he did was for Hope. She questions if she's going to talk, but her dark side knows what she's trying to do. She gets upset when the voices won't stop and Klaus decides to put her old bracelet on, trying to seal away the dark magic inside her temporarily. However Rafael makes Emma sleep and accepts Hope's solution. Hope rhetorically asks if she was scared after she threatened the family, wondering if that's the reason her son is absent. He reminds her that she is the tridbrid, but that terrifies her. The show kicks off two years after the events of The Originals, and largely concerns the 17-year-old Hope's efforts to navigate life at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. The shopkeeper tells the two that he is unaware of such a vessel and doesn't possess it, but Hope tells him that his heart rate increased when they asked, therefore he more than likely knows about it. Lizzie even mentions that her friends are going to come look for her as soon as they find out what happened. Hope is practicing her answers for the pageant questions in the twins' room and is given a dress by Lizzie that belonged to Caroline. Should it work, they could save many more lives. Small scratches are enough to weaken her with its poisonous effects, though this can be stopped if it's siphoned out from her. Their time is running short with the rising of the full moon and Jed's turning. He prepared a nursery next to Hayley's room. She's still blocked and has nothing. He hands her a jar and she opens it. Elijah and Hayley also express their concern for the safety of the baby. She retorts that her father was pretty hard to get rid of, and so is she. She's the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) and his lycanthrope. He begins with how he made Ethan's mother a promise, just like all of their parents when they enrolled, that he'd care for them as his own. Alaric explains they've had enrollment issues while he was trapped within the prison world. He won't be useful in any other part of the fight. They echo that the situation was too easy, and it becomes clear that the gremlin used Cleo as bait just as they tried to use Landon. Hope is too concerned with the possibility of someone else finding them and all she wants is to be left alone. But he also had untapped magical abilities courtesy of his own mother. He'll just have to fill the void himself. They all have something in stake. Hope's childhood love for Klaus was crafted by her mother, who told her stories about Klaus, his loyalty to his family, his love for her, and their shared interests in art. That night, she and Landon talk. She asks if he's happy. Her cheeks had little freckles scattered across them. Alaric wants them to run the tour for prospective students. Someplace Far Away From All This Violence, Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You, By the End of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant to Be,,, Beautiful Little Princess, My Littlest Wolf Miracle Child, Mikaelson Miracle Baby, Hybrid, The Demon Spawn, Tribrid, Little One, Baby Girl, Magical Miracle Baby, My Sweet Girl, Love, Bunny, Buddy, My Little Nerd, Darling, Little Witch, Hope and Henry (Friends/Former Classmates/Former Allies). Landon wonders if that's all. The witch, Agatha St. Clair stands and casts the incendia against Hope, however, she quickly discovers she no longer can access her magic. Landon has set up a screen, but Hope doesn't need to see Star Wars again, but Landon has something cooler. Genevieve starts bleeding out of her eyes as the ancestors are coming for her since she failed them. Lizzie gets pushy with her, asking how long it will take because her whole life is on pause until she can find a way to explain what happened to everyone. Hope admits to both, she guesses, and Landon offers her a milkshakePeanut Butter Blast with whipped cream on the bottom. In The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do, Hope learns that Landon, Rafael and MG have disappeared, she immediately thinks they are dead because her location spell doesn't work. Hope and the other Salvatore Students bid farewell to Rafael, with Hope remarking that "goodbyes do suck". She demands for Ethan to do his blinky thing and take her girlfriend out of there. . Kaleb, Jed, MG, Ethan, and Cleo come to her side, taking the next hits for her. Meanwhile, Jed and Wade have found the transfusion braid in a reference book and attempted to replicate the braid using shoe strings and show it to Hope. Hope reasons that it cannot be destroyed and if she leaves it out in the open then people are going to come for it. She avoids contact with the mysterious man she and Alaric met in Kansas and mentions this to him. Cleo tells Hope that she was locked away inside of the artifact for five centuries waiting for Hope the one with the power to kill Malivore and free her. Cleo abhors violence, but she panicked when it was going to harm Alaric. Hope realizes why she's holding on to her. Alaric pours himself a drink with Hope mocking his accountability. She idolized Hope. Hope retorts that she's the same humanity of the weak little girl who was manipulated by two different fake Landons and then couldn't bring herself to kill the real one. Landon arrives with a way to defeat it - respect. In God's Gonna Trouble the Water, she wakes up in her dorm room while Freya is watching over her and wonders where her mother is, and cries when she finds out she's dead. She joins Landon at the dock at the quarry, she tries to be nice but Landon pushes her away, saying that for him this day was no different since she was mean to him and the others rejected him too, so he walks away and Hope feels guilty and ashamed of his behavior towards him. Recent Posts. Lizzie wants to try another approach, though Hope is already thinking of something to do. Lizzie questions, if Landon is in fact alive then why haven't she nor MG have found proof before on their recon missions. He kills one of the witches, but Genevieve, Monique and Abigail stop him. She begins shouting to her humanity until bypassers give her weird looks, believing she's crazy. His wish is for her to have a long and happy life and for her to remember that he will always love her; forever. When Hope accepted her destiny and decided to transition, the trio cast a spell to plant a tree that would symbolize Hope's new life, ensuring she didn't feel alone in her last human moments. They're going to give Alaric a heart attack. Another vortex opens, and Clarke again prevents it from sucking in Hope, and the two are surrounded by Shadow Creatures, forcing Hope to make the two of them invisible. Hope points out that she did, but Landon reminds her that she's still here, The Ferryman wouldn't be trying to send her back if she weren't. Following this, they manage to kill the shunka, but Hope leaves shortly after, leaving Landon and Rafael questioning who she is. Hope checks in on Lizzie after the plan fails. Using her magic, she poisons them all to make them suffer. In I Love You, Goodbye, Hope returns home with Cami and Elijah. She is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall, the twin sister of Henrik Mikaelson II, and the older sister of Remus and Octavia Mikaelson. He reassures her that Landon, too, is willing to sacrifice everything just to spare other people's pain; something he learned from her. They worked together in a mutually beneficial relationship, as Lizzie asked Hope not to take away the sire bond after their goals were completed. A part of her thought that she would never want to be friends with her, so she pushed her away. Alaric agrees that the timing is not ideal, but the next celestial event is not for another month and Hope refuses to wait that long. He is surprised to see her, admitting it's a weird time for him, but Hope insists on being invited in. Before they can continue their conversation, the Ferryman climbs back on to the dock after having ferried Seylah to Peace. Before that was Mystic Falls and he built a school for her. Believing herself to be dead, she questions what Clarke is doing in her Peace, but Clarke laughs, admitting that they are not at peace, nor are they in Hell, but inside Malivore. After talking with Dr. Goodfellow about what her family used to say Always and Forever, the last song clicked and proceeded to ask if she would read it. All they have to do now is watch it slowly fade away. She is incredibly loyal to her friends, despite initial difficulties working with a team. She suggests that he jump into the Ferryman's boat, but he tells her he can't. Hope wants to know what it did to her father. Jed wonders where Landon might actually be, but Hope won't be able to find out until they're physically in the prison world to do a locator spell. Aurora also awakens as they embrace each other in a hug. While preparing the school for the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, she's surprised at Roman Sienna's return. She's in transition. Hope explains that it's a long story, but she may need to kill some vampires, werewolves, and witches and the school is a one stop shop. Unable to run, Lizzie asks Hope to enter the Miss Mystic Falls pageant on her behalf rather than Josie. In Aprs Moi, Le Dluge, the baby becomes part of the plan to complete the Harvest, and also to prevent Davina Claire's power from destroying all of New Orleans. 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Osceola County Noise Ordinance Hours, We Will Check And Revert Back To You Shortly, Phipps Family Palm Beach, Betty White Funeral Burial, Los Angeles 9a Report Waiver, Articles A