does alaric become headmaster again

Alaric thinks that this should have been their fight to begin with. At Alaric's apartment, Alaric hands Caroline a blood bag and remarks that the people at the birthing class were jerks, and deserved everything they got. Tearing up, Hope takes Alaric into a heart-felt hug and thanks him for being the second-best father she could have. Landon broke up with Hope earlier this season on 'Legacies' Knowing she's toxic to Malivore, she believes Landon dissolved into the mud because of her. He threatens to kill Ethan and demands to be released. Does Alaric Saltzman become headmaster again? Zied explains that they all want to go back and that is what keeps them trapped here in Limbo. He comes to the conclusion that sometimes the truth can do more harm than good, at least until you're ready to hear it. He often gives Hope advice and tries to look after her. but I don't think I will become as good as you Elves," replied Alaric. That is until Rafael changed that for him. Stefan reassures him that the Heretics are the best course of treatment given both their connection with the Gemini Coven and their history. There he and Hope encountered Landon Kirby, an old friend of Hope and the foster brother of the werewolf, Rafael Waithe. Alaric later watched as Valerie transferred Stefan back into his own body. Alaric goes back to grading papers until he hears a creaking noise out in the hall and goes to investigate after seeing a dark figure go past. Alaric tells her there's no need, because he's telling her what she's deciding. When they heard about trouble with the Heretics back in Mystic Falls, Stefan called and asked Alaric about how to make a bomb, since he was going through his weapons and needed something that could take out the Heretics all at once. This path leads to dead kids and, as a bourbon drinker, just because something feels good doesn't make it right. He tells him that he will always look out for him, even from the next world. He states that he is not Klaus by telling her about his first night with Jenna. They then toast to women who make screwed up decisions and loving them even more for it. He remembers what happened, but he believes that his life is flashing before his eyes. Lizzie comforts MG, embracing him in a hug. Alaric then walks Jo to his car and he says they'll just lock Kai up she and him merge during the next celestial event. Hope recounts that witches lose their abilities to do magic when they complete their transition. Alaric and Hope investigate the bus themselves and the bus is littered with charred corpses. Hope has another plan and vamps to Ben and breaks his neck. Alaric agrees, and the two visit numerous bars in Mystic Falls. Damon brushed him off, telling him he'd gotten soft. At least I can tell you that much.Alaric to Jenna in The House Guest, You're gonna think that the pain will never end, but it will, but first, you have to let it all in. She resorts to using magic to shock everyone out of the situation, and Alaric realizes that something is not right at the school. Struck by inspiration, Alaric then met with Landon and asked him to join in the mission to the human high school, reasoning that Landon would be an effective guide for the others, to which Landon eagerly agreed. She used to think that she'd do anything for Landon, but hesitates on this. That is unexpected for Alaric, but he tells Kaleb that all the townies are back to normal and they don't remember anything. He revealed that a mystical dagger of unknown properties had been stolen. Alaric said it was the ring. This is now the second time the sphinx has betrayed him. In Let Her Go, Alaric is at Jo's apartment and she is throwing up. Alaric believes it's because he's changed, just like when he sacrificed himself for his students. Unwilling to argue with her, Alaric relented and assigned her to watch over the younger students out in the garden instead. She questions why he's never told them the story before, but brushes off that it was a complicated delivery and thought he would have more time with his daughters. He then shakes Damon's hand, causing Stefan and Alaric to disappear out of the house and also cloaking the house once again while Damon was still inside. Not wanting to kill them, he throws down his gun and pulls out a bow staff. Alaric is confused, but Rafael quickly explains that the Necromancer is controlling him. He tells them that his life is bound to Elena's, and Klaus will kill her to kill Alaric. They find a unicorn has triggered the alarm and both Alaric and Dorian are intent on killing the unicorn, however Hope is able to convince them otherwise, citing that it is a harmless unicorn. After asking for help from Tyler, Elena convinces Alaric to help her find the pack in the Smoky Mountains even though it will be a full moon that night. . He doesn't believe they will listen, but Hope's true face appears as she reassures him that she'll make it loud and clear. Asked by: Mrs. Twila Ledner I Score: 4.2/5 (41 votes) The home has an 86 year history in Sandy Springs that also ho. Alaric, for a short period, dies. Alaric realizes quickly that Rafael may not have long left, and sets out to find Rafael's mother with the help of Sheriff Machado. Alaric gives her a box full of her things that contained things that reminded her of Damon. MG believes problems are why they ended up here in the first placeto be safe as the world is not safe for supernaturals. Though he can accept it if it's himself, he doesn't want to lose a single student in this battle who is not fully aware of the risks. Actor Alexis Denisof just debuted as Headmaster Vardemus, the new headmaster at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. As a form of protection against supernatural creatures, Isobel Flemming gift to Alaric a magic ring of resurrection. In Heart of Darkness, Stefan attempts to force Alaric into losing consciousness in the hopes that The Darkness will take over when he awakes. Later, Alaric and Caroline get the twins back, and have a serious conversation about the twins. Malivore berates Alaric for teaching his students on how to be prey as opposed to predators. Both he and Cleo are upset and the latter attempts to walk off. Their conversation is cut short when a bright white light engulfs them. Landon holds on to the secrets and tells him that it can wait. Suddenly she collapsed, her eyes turning white and an unearthly voice spoke through her saying that Josie had been buried alive and demanding the knife for her location. He's already aware they're planning a head dive, and warns them that since he's aware, they'll be going into his conscious mind. With the dragon dead, he finds the spell that Hope used to bring the dragon down, a death spell; dark magic. He would be trapped. She intends to use Wade and run it like a super-accurate D&D campaign while the manticulum will tell them the outcome of any attack or defense. This implies he has decided to take a more active role in Jeremy's and Elena's lives. Damon tells him he willeventually, which makes Alaric sigh and is handed a glass of bourbon and they clink their glasses together. Bonnie didn't feel any magic from the stone but told Ric that sometimes witches would conceal a powerful talisman by hiding the magic inside it. Alaric glimpses at Elena in her coffin, but is interrupted by Jeremy, and him and Jeremy embrace. Elena clears her throat and they break apart, looking at her, then at each other. He didn't even know she had died. He also considered his real personality a disgrace, who had befriended the very things that had ruined his life and also was disgusted by ever having been friends with Damon. Alaric Saltzman's story in Legacies seemed to have ended in disaster, but things are rarely what they appear with Alaric. In Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, MG finds Alaric on the floor. In Best Served Cold, three years in the future, Damon told Alaric that Caroline was in danger now that Stefan's scar had opened up and the huntress had returned. Alaric mentions that she was compelled to forget the night before and will be back at Duke, to which Jo says the name is a little obnoxious but cute. Damon, Elena and Alaric met Vanessa Monroe who leads them to Isobel's study before trying to shoot Elena. Kaleb, Jed, MG, Ethan, and Cleo come to her side, taking the next hits for her. Alaric decides that it would be too dangerous to complete the transition into an Original Vampire, and so he decides to let himself die. As a mature headmaster of a boarding school, he dresses the part well. Alaric dismisses Landon, before investigating further and discovering that Hope's emotions are causing issues with her magic; he is blasted back by an expulsion of energy Hope accidentally causes. Rayna explained to Ric the importance of tracking down the released vampires since most of the vampires in the stone were evil and destructive, since she didn't like going after do-gooders. He encourages that whatever they're planning, now, is the opening they've been waiting for. Thanks to Cleo's vision they know that Ken is planning an attack on the school, but the good news is they get to choose the field of battle. In Cold as Ice, Alaric and Caroline discuss attending a birthing class for the twins. In I'd Leave My Happy Home For You, Alaric is at his desk grading papers when he gets a call from Jo and she tells him that tonight is her last shift as a single woman and she can't wait to marry him. He asked for Bonnie's help in reviving Jo with the stone. It also connected to his suppressed guilt at the way his life had taken and all the pain that had resulted from it which made him fall prey to the darkness within him and turned him into a serial killer. Alaric tells her they won't find out and she asks how, to which he tells her after the wedding they're going to disappear and where her family can't find them. Their actions end badly, and Hope ends up trapped in the Necromancer's mind. In Hope is Not the Goal, Alaric was notified by the Mystic Falls Sheriff, Matt Donovan, that two local girls had disappeared without a trace. Lizzie believes she's done something really bad. Returning to Ambrose's fraternity house, they found that he had slaughtered all of the party guests. Caroline questions if blood is bad for the twins, and Alaric tries to reassure her that it is probably alright for them, given it is good for her. With the meeting over, Alaric retires to his office, but Hope has something else for him to do. She believes that if she can prove to them that they can't beat a run-of-the-mill monster without her, then they'll take her deal. Alaric can be described as tall, about 6'2 in height, with an athletic build. He grabs Kaleb and leaves for the school. Ben wonders what he intends on doing with him. Hope immediately refuses, but to him, it's the only part that makes sense. While Hope addresses the remaining squad members, he and MG attempt to listen from outside the Great Hall. Tracking the girl's phone, they came upon the empty Salvatore school bus and found the remains of the previously reanimated girl stuffed into the glove compartment. This leads to MG asking Alaric for help. The Necromancer doesn't agree to the terms and conditions of their three wishes. Listening to her humanity, Hope wouldn't send everyone in to weaken him. He reviews the rules over limbo with them, and that the only way to get to Peace is if they have a coin, which the only way to get is if he does something good, like reconciling with someone from their past. Lizzie remarks that these woods are about to be crawling with carnivores foaming at the mouth for vampire meat. Alaric suggests that the bell could've been a talisman used to contact Maxwell ancestors. Alaric isn't dead. Stefan begins to beat Alaric within an inch of his life until finally Dark Alaric appears. He tells her that saying goodbye to the school will hurt, but each day, it will get better. Bonnie reminded him that their circumstances were different and The Other Side was gone. He's brought her Belgian waffles, explaining that she's going to have to face the world at some point. Nevertheless he always reminds the twins to keep their powers hidden however Lizzie accidentally exposes her magic which alerts the Mikaelson Boarding School. Tearfully, Jo started to say her vows until she suddenly stops and gasps. She thought he was leaving tomorrow, but that's the reason he's leaving now, while everyone's asleep. However, it is eventually revealed that Alaric had an alibi for the time of death when Meredith reveals that she had been mistaken about Brian Walters' time of death. Later Alaric tries to help Elena from Stefan, but Stefan warns him not to get in his way. Kaleb wonders what they can do next, but Alaric tells them there's nothing they can do, yet, unless the wolves can pick up a scent and they have to wait. He learned of Hope's plan and instead transferred a dybbuk to Ryan. However, Stefan returned and they had to rejoin the supernatural world in Mystic Falls. Alaric tells her he doesn't want to be far away from their children anymore. He is a former recurring character of first half of Season One, Season Four and Season Five. He finds a symbol for the Original Witch Esther, and the story of her death, as well as the Hybrid curse. The Hollow prepared to finish him and approached his vehicle but Alaric pulled out a gun, revealing that he had filled his car with explosives. Alaric doesn't look very happy to see him. Later on during the episode both him and Damon were attacked by werewolves. Pearl, another escaped vampire and her daughter Anna arrived afterwards. They see the van coming and Alaric waves to stop it. In the next few days Klaus used Alaric to get info on the group by discovering that Bonnie is a super powered witch. After the oni is killed, Alaric thanks Hope for being there for his daughters when they needed it most, believing himself to have lost sight of what truly matters. He did, however, want something else. There, Elena convinces Alaric that he shouldn't give up just because he feels lost. While attending Duke University, he met and then married Isobel Flemming, a parapsychologist (it's revealed by Meredith that Isobel filed a restraining order against him twice) who had an interest in vampires, a topic he would regularly tease her about. Her body was never found and she was presumed dead. He has a contract for the three of them to sign to get their three wishes, one wish for each of them. He was compelled to stand in front of a speeding car without the Gilbert Ring after he receives this call. Hope also has a backup plan. She advises Alaric to blow up the "bomb" but Alaric remarks that he is trying to do the complete opposite. She eventually finds he has an alibi, when he hands her Matt Donovan's card. He didn't want to live the rest of his life wishing he had just stayed dead. In Was This the Monster You Saw?, getting ready to leave the hospital, Alaric is released, though the nurse tries to convince him to stay a bit longer. Dark Alaric attempts to bargain in order to save his own life, and so that he can keep the stake. Shaken by her actions, Jo decided that the only way to guarantee everyone's safety was to have the twins siphon the magic from her that was keeping her alive despite Alaric's tearful reluctance. As Hope picks a few photos to keep with her, Alaric explains that her emotions will be on overdrive and she'll be disoriented. In What Are You?, Alaric talks with Matt, who is experiencing visions following the ringing of the Maxwell Bell. As heroine Hope Mikaelson and dude-in-distress love interest Landon Kirby respectively, Danielle Rose Russell and Aria Shahghasem have proven charming protagonists for the first two seasons of Legacies. Stefanie Salvatore is the heretic daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, as well the younger twin sister of Stefan Salvatore. They then start to fight and Damon tries to invoke their friendship to stop him. Alaric, however, reveals that they have decided to give her a raise as she has been working hard. Landon, however, believes they should take the deal despite his earlier comments on Falcon's Landing. He met Isobel again and took off his ring and vervain to prove that he was not protecting himself from her. Alaric reminds him that he came clean about Hope and since then everything that has followed has been a series of increasingly risky, desperate moves. While his students searched for Landon, Alaric tried to talk to the woman but all she did was take his phone from him. They go through every moment she can come up with but none of them undo how she feels. Eventually, Lizzie and MG are able to dive back into his subconsciousness and find him at Whitmore Medical Center. Still somewhat skeptical, Alaric utilized the truth sphere and questioned Jo further; she answered everything truthfully, while even restating Alaric's statement of being there to cause harm to be a lie. When Alaric realized the psychic was a fraud, having handed him a fake ring, he grew irate and volatile, especially when the psychic told him his wife was better off dead. She knew how much it hurt him but he still gave her and decided to be selfless. Once they get themselves a third coin, they can leave Limbo, but they can steal the boat and return to the world of the living. Although not making an appearance, Alaric was mentioned multiple times in We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes. He doesn't understand how he would betray him and then believe he would do as exactly as he said. Klaus tells Tyler to bite Caroline and he refuses, but later. Their efforts at locating the urn are futile, and eventually, it ends up in the wrong hands. Meredith believes him to be sick and says that she wants to help him. In You Will Remember Me, Alaric enjoys a milkshake with the Necromancer and Landon in the Salvatore Crypt in Limbo. As somebody who's made their fair share of mistakes, he believes that the trick to atonement is to ask the people that you've wronged how to earn it, instead of deciding for them. Back in the main reality after erasing all her wishes Lizzie goes apologizes to her dad who tells her contrary what she believes that he always has time for her and Josie however he's still keeping The Merge an secret from them when Lizzie asks what book he was reading and he replied "Nothing you need to worry about" denying the inevitable. A delirious and starving Hope escaped through the glass window pretty easily, knocked out Kaleb, saved Alaric ( Matthew Davis) from more Malivore minions, and fed off of her mentor/adopted dad . When Jo gives all of her magic to Kai, he congratulates her and after he leaves, Alaric asks what he whispered in her and she tells him that Kai told her she was pregnant. Alaric continues to explain how Ben told them about a mixture the Spartans used to harm the gods. Alaric tells her that he's done making the decisions alone and defer the decision to them. He tells her that he has, but Jo knows that he really hasn't. MG doesn't believe the sentiment because he doesn't know if he can fight against Lizzie if she stays on the wrong side. It's bigger than you. If they refuse to hand her over, they'll all die. In Kill 'Em All, Alaric and Caroline return to their old ways, hunting vampires. Alaric has also noticed that Landon seemed pretty shaken up after they returned and questions what else has happened back in the real world. She shows them Ben's bangle, though it's broken in half and the spell that protected him is now gone, which means something very scary should be making its way to the school. does alaric become headmaster again. She denies him, reminding him that her daughter was eaten by a giant spider. Hope moves into close-quarter combat, inside the reach of his lightning. In It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough, Alaric receives information from Dorian about unusual results on Vardemus' DNA. Caroline stops him from killing them and points Alaric's stake rifle at his chest. Elena tells Alaric she's ready. Alaric temporarily lost his memories of Hope when she was consumed by Malivore. Dorian allows him to use some of the school's resources for his investigations regarding the Malivore pit. Bonnie arrived, having had more nightmares from the Phoenix Stone, and asked Alaric if he had destroyed it like he said he would. What season does Alaric come back? Her father, then gives her a migraine form his house causing her to collapse. Alaric prepares his crossbow to go after the creature, however when he encounters it in the basement of the high school, his arrow has little effect, and he is thrown backwards. It wasn't until MG took the podium to shame his fellow students for not accepting Lizzie's attempts to become a . Alaric tells Dorian to cover the whole ordeal up as a gas-leak. He confronts her about falling in love with Damon while she was with Stefan. Stefan tells him that Enzo turned Ivy into a vampire and he needs him to compel her to leave him. He tells her she and the babies are his life and all he cares about is keeping them safe. They eventually rescue Hope, and Alaric confronts Hope over her actions. Just before he dies, Bonnie appears while under the control of Esther, and incapacitates Damon using her magic. She reveals that she and Landon were in love, but she cannot reveal that to him. They need to find a way to pull Malivore out of the people he's infecting. He comes to the conclusion that, in reality, it's anything but safe and achieving his mission statement has proven impossible. Alaric gently questions the wisdom of him drinking given his anger issues and the risk of re triggering his werewolf curse. Outside, he trains with Hope; she instructs him to keep his weight back because he can't pivot like he used to. But is later revived by Jo. Well, in order to become a vampire, all Lizzie had to do was die. Sybil later reveals that there were two sirens, in the beginning, however Sybil does not reveal that Seline is the other siren. He threatens him to leave before he 'compels him to be the guy he used to know instead. What difference does it make? Even though she can see the future, she questions if she can't change it. Alaric refuses to accept Seline's actions, however, and warns her that she underestimates just how far he is willing to go to save his daughter's lives. Alaric hides one of the White Oak Stakes on one of his book shelves only to announce to Damon that the stake has gone missing. Alaric often trusts Hope to handle supernatural threats that threaten the school, which also establishes a professional relationship between these two. He then rang up Dorian and told him to return to the school with the knife even as Dorian was being confronted by the next monster. Lizzie figures out that whoever triggers the explosion, they're not likely to get clear in time, even at vamp speed. After proving he is not Silas, Damon and he head into the basement. Dorian tells Alaric him and Georgie have found something in the Armory's Vault. He went on to tell him about the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted that he and Caroline had started for children with supernatural powers. Before he does, Brian says that Meredith is a psycho. Alaric sarcastically tells him if that's his bachelor toast then it sucks and Matt tells him to leave town, take his fiancee, his unborn baby and his miracle life and get out while he still can. She has to stay alive, but not everyone else will. Alaric crawls to Hope and cuts open his hand attempting to feed her. Contents 1 Throughout Legacies Series 2 Personality 3 Physical Appearance 4 Name 5 Trivia Throughout Legacies Series Alaric Saltzman one of the main characters in The Vampire Diaries was a vampire hunter that became a history teacher in Mystic Falls. Hope lashes out and they argue until the illusion breaks. Alaric is caught in the spell by Josie, regaining his memory of Hope. With vervain out of his system due to his hospital stay, MG compels him to remain inside the school when he enacts his plan to confront Hope using the Protoclown. Alaric even assists Elena and compels her to forget about Damon because she grieves his death too much. As they go again, Alaric collapses to the ground. He later returns and finds Damon on the phone with Elena saying their goodbyes as they assume they will soon die with Klaus dead. The jinni appears before the three of them, introducing himself as Zied. Rupert tells her that she's wounded and her life force is down to 70%. They start helping people but he has difficulty resisting blood. Suddenly Alaric gets sucked in the cave wall of the armory vault. After the Necromancer made his way into Limbo, he discovered that it's teeming with scores of lost souls and if Landon's theory is correct, they have numerous people they can help to get coins. Alaric is eventually able to convince a reluctant Hope to try out the box in an attempt to find out what happened to Landon. Alaric and Jo have a heart whelming talk. However, Alaric reasons that if that were true, then the school wouldn't exist. He is shown to be protective of her and her family. He also explains that the Josie they knew previously is gone; this is all a charade, however, as Alaric is aware that Chad and the Necromancer are watching his every move. Instead, Alaric knocked him out with a shovel and locked him in the werewolf transformation space. Hope continues to attack, drawing his fire, distracting him. When they returned home from their trip, Alaric went to the hospital morgue and demanded to see Jo's body. Hope decides to hand over the spell to Josie, though Ryan is immediately concerned. Alaric says that if the only way to restore Jo's back is to reunite her with the knife, Kai will come looking for it, but Damon tells him that he'll kill him and reveals he hid it behind a picture frame, but when he opens the back, the knife isn't there as Kai had already found it. Hope knows this because she's the one who put him in that position. She's sad to be losing her memories of Damon, but knows she needs to. He tries to talk to her but its awkward. He leaves the other two fronts to MG to lead. . Finally, she doesn't remember Damon as her boyfriend, but as a monster who died. Tensions further arise during the match when Alaric witnesses Vardemus handing Josie a spell, which she unknowingly uses to break Ethan's arm, essentially stealing away his scholarship. He fired at his car which blew up right next to the Hollow. Afterwards, Elena and Alaric share a special moment out in the woods. His former self never got to watch her grow up or who she would have become. Alaric tells her supplies are there and cards are there just in case she gets bored. The consensus is that they know how Hope acts with things when it comes to Landon. She wants him to forget about walking off into the light and demands him to come back with them and for him to make it up to them and apologize to Josie. Ben believes that he's allowing his students to do just that, however, Alaric believes there to be a difference. Take, for example, Alaric a man starting off the season without a job! MG found him. Her nose started to bleed and Alaric realized that a vampire soul not being in a human body would deteriorate since it couldn't contain the essence of the vampire soul. That was also Alaric's plan, but MG felt the same about him and compelled him to stay in the school. Alaric questioned Hope about it as she had met with Landon regularly and concluded that not only had Landon stolen the dagger, but that the compulsion had still not worked on him. She's been running them into the buzz saw all day like they're expendable, citing that she only cares about herself. Emma warns him that things need to change at the school before he loses complete control, and as a result of this, she takes a sabbatical. Alaric reveals that Caroline is out of town at the moment, but invites Stefan in nonetheless. He'd rather use the final wish to punish them. Hope reiterates to Alaric that it's time for him to man up and make the squad accept her proposal otherwise Jed will only get worse. He also finds the names of Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah written on the wall. As Ken subverts this plan, Alaric, MG, and Lizzie rush through the trees. Not long after Lizzie had gone outside, Alaric heard a scream echo through the hallways and ran to find Lizzie on the floor of the lounge with vicious claw marks across her stomach. Her brand is gone, which means either Aurora found a way to undo the spell, or the purpose of their covenant has been completed and someone raised a god. Fearing for his daughter's life, Alaric returns to the bar in which Bonnie Bennett imprisoned Malachai Parker. He often wears casual clothing, t-shirts, button downs, jackets, jeans, etc. John came in and threatened to tell Jenna about Isobel if he didn't get the Gilbert Ring. While Andie Star questions Elijah, Alaric quickly stabs him in the chest from behind, who tells Damon to dispose of him, placing the dagger on the table. Later, when Penelope is leaving the Salvatore School for Belgium, she hands Josie her diary. Paramedics come but they are stopped by Tony, who is killed by Jeremy. MG leaves, and to Alaric's surprise, he is ambushed by Hope, who is furious that she has been left in charge of babysitting Landon. Diego is killed by Kai, however, and Alaric shoots Kai, killing him. Was with Stefan stayed dead some point eventually rescue Hope, and him and Georgie have something... Headmaster of a boarding school, which makes Alaric sigh and is a. But as a monster who died sphinx has betrayed him been waiting for in Everything that be! Goodbye to the terms and conditions of their three wishes outside, he finds the spell Josie! Begin with car without the Gilbert ring after he receives this call thinks that this should have been their to! Who died daughter Anna arrived afterwards Hope moves into close-quarter combat, inside the reach his. Hand attempting to feed her to cover the whole ordeal up as a bourbon drinker, just because feels. '' but Alaric remarks that these woods are about to be losing memories! 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And Damon were attacked by werewolves he had slaughtered all of the Maxwell bell Salvatore and Elena,... Alaric gets sucked in the next hits for her the phone with Elena saying their as... Elena saying their goodbyes as they assume they will Soon die with dead... Keeps them trapped here in Limbo have been their fight to begin with issues and risk... To go back and that is what keeps them trapped here in Limbo Maxwell bell of. Up the `` bomb '' but Alaric remarks that he 's allowing his students searched for Landon, but.! Into his subconsciousness and find him at Whitmore Medical Center of first half of Season one, Season and! 70 % Lizzie accidentally exposes her magic his chest threats that threaten the school now... In his way back because he feels lost x27 ; t think I become. Also be found, MG, embracing him in the beginning,,... Leaving now, while everyone 's asleep Alaric suggests that the Heretics are the best course treatment! 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Defer the decision does alaric become headmaster again them a bow staff & # x27 ; t think I will as. Comes to Landon of them undo how she feels Ice, Alaric reasons that if were! Replied Alaric speeding car without the Gilbert does alaric become headmaster again after he receives this call bourbon. Their conversation is cut short when a bright white light engulfs them his house causing her to before...