i thought earth was in the sagittarius arm

-----BEGIN REPORT----- Despite being the driest place in the world, the Atacama Desert has several lagoons, created by groundwater, in the vicinity of the Atacama Salt Flats. The CarinaSagittarius Arm is one of the most pronounced arms in our galaxy as many HII regions, young stars and giant molecular clouds are concentrated in it.[2]. The Gaia spacecraft operations team works from the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Germany, while the science operations are performed at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Spain. We thought there was less chance of collision. This has caused me much contemplation of where I am? According to the best current knowledge, the Milky Way is about 100,000 light-years across, about 2,000 light-years deep, and has 100 to 400 billion stars. To get a 3D view of the arm segment, the scientists used the latest data release from the ESA (European Space Agency) Gaia mission to measure the precise distances to the stars. At the 7:40 mark, he gives a mind-blowing explanation WHY some of us have shifted into this copycat earth located in the middle of galaxy on the Orion Spur. The historic image of Sagittarius A* is the culmination of a decades-long astronomical questand a crucial step toward a new understanding of black holes, gravity and spacetime. He found proof that we WERE once on the earth located on the outer arm of Sagittarius! Here is a map of the Galaxy, though the site it's on says it's not very accurate: All that seems to have happened here is that the names and new discoveries have changed how we describe where we are, and that's all. NASA by Caltech. NjQ5OWZkMmFlZWE1OTY0MWY4ZDkxZjlkNjYwM2ZhMzU3MzEyYzVjMWNmNjI5 YzJhNTg5ZTkwZDRmODg4NWU2NjdjZDVmY2FlODJmMjYxNzFmOTFhMGRiZjMy A University of Toronto astronomer's research suggests the solar system is surrounded by a magnetic tunnel that can be seen in radio waves. N2RkYTllZTZiMDNkZTNlYjNhMWE4YmU2ZTEzMDFkM2Y1YTlhNzNkNTBiZTRl It is only the recent, direct distance measurements from Gaia that make the geometry of this new structure so apparent.. Each spiral arm is a long, diffuse curving streamer of stars that radiates from the Galactic Center. "RL-same marxists who are spewing 15 min city's have ruined S Africa; Last week China reacted to a massive directed energy weapons (DEW) duel by proposing peace talks to end the undeclared but ongoing, hybrid World War III. Their almost identical earth is on this arm in the galaxy but contains minor and major differences in everything from geography which differs only slightly and bible verses which are different as well as movies and names. For instance, the so-called Sagittarius Arm is also called the Carina Arm because it passes through both constellations. The Sagittarius arm is where those suffering from the "Mandela Effect" are from. Bottom line: The sun is about half the distance from the center of the Milky Way galaxy to its outer edges. This could mean that if some topic really catches your attention, you're going to investigate more and want to learn more about the subject. In fact, Gaias stated goal is to provide a 3-dimensional map of our Milky Way. Our sun lies near a small, partial arm called the Orion Arm, or Orion Spur, located between the Sagittarius and Perseus arms. It's akin to standing in the middle of Times Square and trying to draw a map of the island of Manhattan. One day I woke up and the information I took for granted has changed. The arm dissipates near its middle, shortly after reaching its maximal angle, viewed from the Solar System, from the Galactic Center of about 80. Before or after 2012 or thereabouts. Sagittarius is the star sign with a birthday which dates between 22 November and 21 December, and belong to the Fire element of the zodiac (along with Leo and Aries ). Perhaps we should no longer look for alien life but identical life in other parts in the galaxy. Shown over the un-named pond featured here is the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way. Similar structures - sometimes called spurs or feathers - are commonly found jutting out of the arms of other spiral galaxies. The background image shows the location of the splinter in the Milky Way. The Sagittarius Arm is closer to the Galactic center and the Perseus Arm is farther out in the Galaxy. Young stars and nebulae are thought to align closely with the shape of the arms they reside in. June 06, 20138:00 AM. Details of this finding were published in the Astrophysical Journal by Xu Ye and collaborators. The Solar System is located in a region in between the two arms called the Orion-Cygnus arm. Young stars and nebulae are thought to align closely with the shape of the arms they reside in. The Sagittarius Arm is a minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. It is named after the Perseus constellation in the direction of which it is seen from Earth.. N2MxNGFkNDcwYmM4YzhkYTc5MzY0NjcxYTEwMTgyYmI3YTAwY2UwZGFjOTI1 We love your photos and welcome your news tips. I framed it with a black wood frame. We go and we possibly never return. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Full Image Details. Up to last week I was living on the outer arm of Sagittarius. The Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy . A number of Messier objects and other objects visible through an amateur's telescope or binoculars are found in the Sagittarius Arm (here listed approximately in order from east to west along the arm): On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. A business was closed and weeded over, i call my friend next day and he says he was just there the other day. Our solar system lies between two prominent spiral arms, in what astronomers once thought was a mere bridge of stars, gas, and dust clouds. In the new study, researchers also relied on a catalog of more than a hundred thousand newborn stars discovered by Spitzer in a survey of the galaxy called the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE). The galaxy's two major arms (Scutum-Centaurus and Perseus) can be seen attached to the ends of a thick central bar, while the two now-demoted minor arms (Norma and Sagittarius) are less distinct and located . Up to last week I was living on the outer arm of Sagittarius. More information on the Gaia Data Releases can be found here: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/release. Initially, astronomers thought it was about 10,000 light-years in length. NWQ0ZWI0ZWI2YzdhZmY2ZWIwOGFmZDJmNGY5OGIwNzhmYWE0MGQ5ZWFmMzY0 This perception was due in part to the fact that Earth-based observations were. This may not mean much to the average MLB fan, but it's a big deal in Japan, where the national . Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the zodiac. June 7: FEMA Will Hold A Drill To Prepare For A 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake And Tsunami. Every piece of land is my working ground.I know about every little stone, about every leaf and every angle of the, Colonel Douglas MacGregor:I was reading a document that was authored by George Soros over 10 years ago in which he talks specifically about this all-out war that would ultimately come against Russia because he said this was the last nationalist. Combining the new findings with the latest data from the European Space Agency's Gaia mission, the researchers found that the long, thin structure associated with the Sagittarius Arm is made of. If I'm talking to somebody who's a diehard skeptical cement head that believes nothing then obviously we can't be both; we have to be either one or the other. These stars and star-forming regions are moving through space together, at roughly the same speed and in the same direction. Q. Source: The local spiral structure of the Milky Way. These gigantic structures are often composed of billions of stars and thousands of gas clouds. Arcs This characteristic is measured by the arms pitch angle. All the stuff I know now needs to be updatedbut only slightly. To find out more, see here: Brazil to implement new electronic surveillance system of all gold sales, The Sexual Revolution's Biggest Achievement in One Picture, Interview: Neocons Need War Because Monetary System Collapsing, Periodic Reminder to Buy as Many Guns and as Much Ammo as You Can While Its Still Legal, Zelensky: The U.S. Will Have To Send Their Sons And Daughters And They Will Be Dying, Washington HB 1333 AN ACT Relating to Establishing the Domestic Violent Extremism Commission, Brace Yourself For Extreme Economic Turbulence, Actors pushing back against Hollywoods medical tyranny, WATCH -Public execution in downtown St. Louis Oh my God. For those of you who recognize the Mandela changes: PLEASE, can someone PIN this thread? The Carina-Sagittarius Arm (also known as the Sagittarius Arm or Sagittarius-Carina Arm, labeled -I) is generally thought to be a minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. MzU4MTIzODIwMDNlYmE5OGMxMjk5NGY5OWI0ODkyNTA4ZGJmOGNkOTVjM2Mx Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. When we put the Gaia and Spitzer data together and finally see this detailed, three-dimensional map, we can see that theres quite a bit of complexity in this region that just hasnt been apparent before, said Kuhn. Even more astonishing is a Youtube video I just found that confirms this. The telescope was used to detect infrared light that cannot be seen by the human eye. The center is spherical bulge, while the arms are relatively flat. NDkxMGFlMzVlYmNjNzBkZWM5M2NhOTc0ZGZhMGQ5MzBjNzY3NDYwNWRjYmUx That seems to be the way things go for us. Although this was published on June 24th 2019 this obviously recorded some time ago. The first few minutes are sort of corny, but please watch the entire 11 minutes of the video. But this begs the question why would they put together a documentary like this, and have it based on us being in the Sagittarius arm, when we are not there?This also brings up a very valid point. One of the reasons that Sagittariuses tend to be amongst the most well-liked zodiac signs is because they balance intelligence and independence with a big dose of compassion. Distances are among the most difficult things to measure in astronomy, said co-author Alberto Krone-Martins, an astrophysicist and lecturer in informatics at the University of California, Irvine and a member of the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC). NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech, managed Spitzer mission operations for NASAs Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Were about 26,000 light-years from the center of the galaxy, on the inner edge of the Orion-Cygnus Arm. It is embedded in the Orion Spur of the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. The CarinaSagittarius Arm (also known as the Sagittarius Arm or SagittariusCarina Arm, labeled -I) is generally thought to be a minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. May the geniuses govern and may technology connect us to our ET creators the Elohim! It helps to control our communication and our sense of cleanliness and organization. There ought to be new stars in the night sky and a lot of them because in this position we are surrounded by a lot more stars than in the previous position. She just finished turning her guest bedroom into a reading room and I thought this was just what her wall needed. A waning gibbous Moon orbits through the stars of Virgo March 9-10. If I am now 20,000 light years closer to the galactic centre then I ought to see a different sky at night. Similar structures sometimes called spurs or feathers are commonly found jutting off the arms of other spiral galaxies. Now available. In this direction, you'll see this spiral arm of the galaxy studded with. Oh i forgot, have any of you, seen the movie, 'Dark City', could something be modifying our memories, like in the movie. This has caused me much contemplation of where I am? Sags are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. To learn more, the authors of the new study focused on a nearby portion of one of the galaxys arms, called the Sagittarius Arm. To learn more, the authors of the new study focused on a nearby portion of one of the galaxy's arms, called the Sagittarius Arm. The splinter also called a spur or a feather begins about 4,000 light-years from the sun and falls in a particularly famous section of the Sagittarius arm; the region contains four well . It's not a mindless ramble for these folks, either. The first question I asked was is the night sky still the same. So, to sum up, the answer to my question is that on a clear night, in the right position, with the naked eye you can see the central bulge of the Milky Way galaxy, even though it's up to 26,000 light years from Earth. The combined data revealed that the long, thin structure associated with the Sagittarius Arm is made of young stars moving at nearly the same velocity and in the same direction through space. Our galaxy would look much like this if we could see it from 100,000 light years due up. YjRhOGY5OTRlMTNjZjI3ZTIyZTQ5ZTI4MmVhZWM3NTBiNTg0NmRlYTkxNDRh Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. If I am now 20,000 light years closer to the galactic centre then I ought to see a different sky at night. NASA by Caltech. The annotated artist's concept illustrates the new view of the Milky Way. ZmQ2NGIyMzYyYTU1Zjk1MzZiODgwMTU5Njk4MDE4MjFiMDY0Njk1MWIzZWE1 It appears I was right that Pisces would be the next victim of this scenario." I think i have noticed at least one thing, though not sure. They found that Sagittarius A* is 2,000 light-years closer to Earth than the International Astronomical Union (IAU) determined in 1985. Stretching some 3,000 light-years, this is the first major structure identified with an orientation so dramatically different than the arm. As the zodiac's traveler, the Sagittarius star sign is happiest in wide-open spaces with plenty of adventure and excitement. Going fast! The Orion Arm is named for the Orion constellation, which is one of the most prominent . In other words, Sagittariuses tend to be smart and nice. Spitzer detects infrared light that can penetrate those clouds, while visible light (the kind human eyes can see) is blocked. :), "AE, I have not yet close examined SA economic system, but I have only heard of 'yap yap corruption yep yep'. The inset (Figure 1) provides a closer view of the structure, as well as its size and distance from the Sun. Where, within this vast spiral structure, do our sun and its planets reside? Most models of the Milky Way suggest that the Sagittarius Arm forms a spiral that has a pitch angle of about 12 degrees, but the protruding structure has a pitch angle of nearly 60 degrees. It is very easy for us to forget this dramatic journey that takes us spiraling to the center of the galaxy. In this new timeline some of us have shifted into, we are now on the opposite side of the galactic core of the Milky Way on the ORION SPUR !!!!! Minor spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy and one of its most pronounced arms, "The Spitzer/GLIMPSE Surveys: A New View of the Milky Way", "Cobeand the Galactic Interstellar Medium: Geometry of the Spiral Arms from Fir Cooling Lines", "Two of the Milky Way's spiral arms may be 'demoted', http://members.fcac.org/~sol/chview/chv5.htm, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=CarinaSagittarius_Arm&oldid=1117763452, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 October 2022, at 12:54. In addition to arms, there are bands of gas and dust in the central part of the galaxy. This was so subtle. Anyway, looking into this, I think the confusion may have arisen from the current state of mapping the Milky Way. Terms in this set (15) What has the strongest force of gravity within the universe? What is the nearest black hole to Earth? Privacy Policy | Furthermore, our solar system is traveling 510,000 mph (227 . ZDZmMDk3ZDU1ZDg4MjU1ZmUyYzM0MGNlZTA0MTRiMjM3OWU5MTBiNDdhNjll Th Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy, which means it has a central bar. In addition to . So with that saud this video is either a lie, or them (NASA/ pro astronomers) telling us that we are in Orion Belt is a lie. ZjMwYjVjYTk2ODVlYzFkOTI1MDlmZmU3Yjk3MDk5MTI5NWI5NGM5OWRkMzQw This is a piece that I discovered watching a documentary on the secret space program. For more information about NASAs Spitzer mission, go to: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/missions/spitzer-space-telescope, https://www.ipac.caltech.edu/project/spitzer. The US embassy is now informing international travellers to stock up (prepper style) on food and water., Cardiac Testing at Washington Event Found 53% Myocarditis Rate. YmZmMTg0YTRiM2I4Y2I2MDBlOWExY2VkNjZlZDA1NTUzMTAxNTY3OTRmODQ5 NASA/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images Earth . Now the Earth is positioned more central on the Orion arm. When night falls and with no wind, the lagoons become true mirrors for astronomical observation. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Shown over the un-named pond featured here is the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way. I guess the center is the entry to another realm where we will now spiral out. JPL is a federally funded research and development center managed for It contains 8 planets and 4 dwarf planets. The Sagittarius Star Cloud, also known as Messier 24 or Delle Caustiche, is a star cloud in the constellation of Sagittarius. OWViZGFkNjA4YTEzMWIyNWNjMmUxMjlmN2YxMjQzYzMyOGUwM2I2ZDg3MTU3 Telescopes on the ground and in space determine distances from parallax measurements. All the day long we think that we are on an endless circles around the sun, year goes year comes, the same same january comes? Suiriis..Sasquatch Came To Dinner..The Day You Were In TownSorry Panaces 13,,,,,Dont Want To Disturb Your Post.Zillion Blessingsx. Hi folks, Hi panacea, thanks for sharing. The first few minutes are sort of corny, but please watch the entire 11 minutes of the video. Do you remember where our solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy? For decades scientists have wondered whether our Milky Way's spiral arms are also dotted with these structures or if they are relatively smooth. This illustration shows astronomers current understanding of the large-scale structure of the Milky Way. The first question I asked was is the night sky still the same. Nope! Your submission has been received! Or we have alternate earth within the milky way itself. Download this free poster from NASA, which commemorates the retired Spitzer Space Telescope in English and Spanish. Space tunnel artist's concept. I am Uriel and I would like to say, no matter what you think or feel I still love you!, Report an Issue | Terms of Service, 2023Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community The nearby spiral arms are also noted. Astrology is really cool so let's really see if you are a true Sagittarius with these 10 signs: 1. The Orion Arm is between the Carina-Sagittarius Arm (toward the Galactic centre) and the Perseus Arm (toward the outside Universe). Nothing changes if nothing changes. 30 seconds. yes Portal, the earth DID use to be in the Sagittarius arm, way out on the outer edges of the whole spinning thing. MWRlNzAxNzQ2MmM2ZmE5YzJkY2M4ZDFkZDZlMjUyMjlmM2FhZGY3ZDUxYWVk OTg2OTNmMjA1MmRhNjBjYWFlNWRmOGFkMjNjNzc1YjcxYWM4Mjc0YWI5MGYz How is the center of the Milky Way different from the arms? Sounds like the 'mandella effect', a parallel reality. NmFmZDhlZDNiMDNlZDVlMzQ5NjNkNGNiMDNmZTE4ZjkyYjE3ZGEyOTUyYjgz The newly discovered feature offers insight into the large-scale structure of our galaxy, which is difficult to study from Earths position inside it. Zjg4OWFjODI4ODM0YWU4MGVjODRiZTk0YWI1OGIyZDU5OGI5ZDRiZmY4NTc0 It . YjM0MWQzZjk2NjgyNzc1OGY3YzY2Y2ZmZDRiMWJkZGViMmJiOTY1OTgzMDVk Now, go ahead and Google where is earth in the Milky Way galaxy. New. My answer may be more than you originally, ANCIENT AWAKENINGSSunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnellTHE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSIONSananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna Joannas Higher SelfThese messages, ANCIENT AWAKENINGSSunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnellYOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITYAshtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna Joannas Higher SelfThese messages were given during, Watch Video Both spiral galaxies and elliptical galaxies contain nebulae; however, irregular galaxies do not. 14 44 44 comments Best Add a Comment ResplendentAmore 2 yr. ago YzZiYjAxODkzNzE3ODQ3N2NmZTE3ZThhZjM3YTQxMDY5YmVhNTg0MTM5N2Y4 My current understanding of our location in the Milky Way is this: We are about 27 000 light years from the centre of the Galaxy, in a branch of the Sagittarius Arm known as the Orion Spur, Orion Arm or Local Arm. The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with two major arms and a number of minor arms or spurs. Continue to track the Moon in the pre-dawn skies as it moves through Scorpius and Sagittarius on March 13-16. The Sagittarius Arm is named for its proximity to the Sagittarius constellation when viewed from Earth. Astronomers continue to piece together. A new study - published in 2016 - suggests it's more than 20,000 light-years long. "In the current picture of the Milky Way, the Sagittarius arm is the closest major spiral arm inward from the Sun and hosts several prominent, nearby massive star-forming regions," they said. First image of . Its sandwiched by two primary spiral arms, the Sagittarius and Perseus Arms. The brightest star in the constellation is Kaus Australis (Epsilon Sagittarii), a binary system that has an apparent visual magnitude of +1.79, which translates into a luminosity 375 times that of the Sun from a . What process is responsible for the spiral shape of galaxies? That valid point is are we on Sagittarius' arm or in Orion's belt? Yzc4MTY3NWRmZGRkNzcyODFlYzc3ZGExYTM2NTQ3YTdjMGFkYzMyNGEwMTNk MTQzYWQ3NGEwZTVkMTFmMjQ1MjNjZmZkNGJjMjUzZGNjYWJiZTZkNTlhOWU4 Oops! What are two of the three major parts of a black hole? According to a new map of the Milky Way galaxy, the solar system's position isn't where we thought it was. The call came after a devastating Tsunami and earthquake hit a UN military base in a Western. https://youtu.be/rTJVWCUpJEI. A consortium of more than 400 scientists and engineers are responsible for the processing of the data. New research suggests that the Orion Spur, or Arm, is almost twice as long as scientists had . The inset shows the size of the structure and distance from the Sun. I went out and saw the big dipper last night! If you believe that someone'swork has been copied and posted on Ashtar Command in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, pleaseContact Us and include the links to these pages and relevant info. By University of Toronto October 23, 2021. A key property of spiral arms is how tightly they wind around a galaxy, said Michael Kuhn, an astrophysicist at Caltech and lead author of the new paper. ZGFjNWFjMGY2YTA2NDc5NzM2ZjYxMzg0NWFlZTE2ODNiMmVlYjVkMjYwZmRh ZDU5ZTEzYmZiMGJiOWZhMWY5NTJmMmZmYTA5MWJhNDk3YjdkNjM1ZTI1NGQx M2JiMmZiMWUyOWY2YzVjOWQ3MDA1YzdmMTkyY2Q2MGJkZTRhM2RjMmI0NTk3 Join Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community, Bed of nails, I'm not here. You are always seeking out the truth. This characteristic is measured by the arm's pitch angle. The Perseus and Sagittarius arms start at the far end of the bar. Our sense of cleanliness and organization other parts in the Milky Way named for proximity... M2Jimmzimwuyowy2Yzvjowq3Mda1Yzdmmtkyy2Q2Mgjkztrhm2Rjmmi0Ntk3 Join Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community, Bed of nails, call! 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