spo transportation officer duty description

Staff section leaders supervise their personnel. Explore the many benefits that not only provide support to you and your family, but can also help you advance in the Army and in your civilian life. A G-6 (S-6) is authorized at all echelons from battalion through corps. Processing and distributing NBC attack and contamination data. The G-5 (S-5) is responsible for coordinating with the J-5 and the J-3. D-61. Know your commanders priorities. (Separating "Support" Operations From Operations Causes More Harm Than Good) We're All Thinking It. Provide logistical updates to the Senior Maneuver Commander and Support Battalion Commander. Most companies require transportation officers to have a local driver's license. Providing safety training to the local civilian labor force. Space Operations Officer. What can I do if I don't meet the eligibility requirements to join? Before the inspection, inspectors inform the subordinate commander of the inspection's purpose. Staff Planning and Supervision. Community and family support activities and programs. The Program Security Officer, or PSO is the government security professional responsible for all aspects of the program's security. In corps, divisions, and selected brigades, the G-7 (S-7) and other coordinating staff officers assist the COS with information operations (IO) responsibilities. The ACOS, G-7 (S-7) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning information operations, including current operations, plans, and IO-related targeting. Accounting for military personnel individually. Supply management is a broad field that encompasses many different industries, job titles and job descriptions. The OPS SGM and XO both own staff duty operations and the staff duty roster. The transportation officer is responsible for coordinating transportation assets and operations. Providing guidance for actions related to expediting the handling procedures for captured personnel, equipment, and documents. However, the Support Operations Officer manages the external logistics and makes sure the Support Battalion supports the Brigade with the required medical, supply, and maintenance support. Any and all "shortfalls" identified must be addressed with the 1916th Support Battalion SPO and customer unit. D-89. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Allocating ISR tasks (considering recommendations from the rest of the staff). Establishing plans, policies, and procedures for developing and implementing the command budget. The IG is a confidential adviser to the commander. Staff sections may follow information management (IM) processes specific to their field of interest or battlefield operating system (BOS). The chaplain is responsible for religious support operations. Veterinary officer responsibilities include-. These branches provide the following support to customers at the NTC and Fort Irwin:Rotational Training Unit Sustainment/Convoy Operations: Insures rotational training units understands the support relationships with the following Fort Irwin activities: Installation Supply Support Activity (ISSA), Installation Central Receiving Point (CRP); Installation Bulk and Retail POL Facilities; Installation Ammunition Supply Point (ASP); Installation Direct Supply Support Activity (DSSA); Installation Department of Defense Activity Address Codes (DODAAC) system; Class I/TISA warehouse; Class II (Clothing, Individual Equipment, Tools, Administrative Supplies), Class III (Bulk and Package Petroleum, Oils, Lubricants), Class IV (Construction Materials), Class V (Ammunition), Class VII (Major End Items: Racks, Pylons, Tracked Vehicles, Etc. Analyzing adversary EW activities (with the G-2). As a Petroleum Supply Specialist, you'll supply the Army with the fuel it needs to maintain a state of readiness at all times. Giving direction and guidance to the G-6 (S-6) and battle staff on how the CP supports the commander's exercise of C2. Coordinating counterintelligence activities. Translating operational plans into battlefield ministry priorities for religious support. Administering and chairing unit selection and soldier boards for enlisted soldiers. Provides transportation assets for the movement and distribution of dry and refrigerated containerized cargo, general non-containerized cargo, ammunition, bottled water, bulk water (when equipped with tank racks/hippos), heavy equipment, tanks and oversized loads. Providing instruction to units, officials (friendly, HN civil, or HN military), and the population on identifying, planning, and implementing programs to support civilian populations and strengthen HN internal defense and development. IG responsibilities include-, (AR 20-1 discusses IG responsibilities and duties. AR 10-5 describes the responsibilities and duties of the Army Staff. Assessing the effects of offensive and defensive IO throughout the operations process; recommending IO adjustments as required. Acting as liaison between AMD units and air control units. Action officers coordinate proposed COAs with staff sections the COA would affect. Integrating and managing the ISR effort through an integrated staff process and procedure. Supporting CIMP implementation at the tactical and main CPs (based on G-3 [S-3] and G-6 [G-6] direction and guidance). D-69. Once they identify a problem, staff members analyze the actions or coordination needed to solve it. Managing IPB, to include integrating the IPB efforts of the rest of the staff and other echelons, and supporting parallel planning during dynamic situations. Integrating fratricide countermeasures into plans and orders. Staff Planning and Supervision. Providing physical security guidance for commanders. We realized that it did not mean much! Establishing priorities for dental care and treatment. G-6 (S-6) responsibilities related to C4OPS (general) include-. Job Description Army.mil. Integrating intelligence from the G-2 (S-2) +into IO. The work ensures that vital logistical support operations are provided at the right time and place to support mission accomplishment. Providing an estimate of the adequacy of the ADA ammunition CSR. ResultsAfter reviewing the PD for the Logistics Management Specialist GS-0346-11 and the standard it looks as if everything was evaluated correctly. Coordinating air defense sensor management. The criteria are as follows: - Must be at least 18 years of age. Performing liaison with local civilian law enforcement authorities. Advising the commander and staff on the following: Current economic situation, including the economic impact of expenditures on the local economy. Recommending offensive counterair, defensive counterair, and theater missile defense targets and priorities, based on the enemy air and missile capability assessment. Incumbent uses judgment to locate and select from numerous available guides, which may or may not be directly applicable to the situations at hand. D-56. Coordinating on EPW and civilian internee pay support, and financial aspects of weapons bounty programs (with the finance officer and RM). If Simplicity is a Principle of Sustainment, then leave it Logisticians to take something and make it unnecessarily complexlike splitting operations between an S3 whose purpose in life is Operations and the Support . Providing information services, including publications, printing, distribution, and Freedom of Information Act material. Determining requirements for and allocation of training resources. ed.jimenez@azdoa.gov | 602.622.6517. Keeps the Battalion senior leadership informed and prepared so that they may make their decisions based on the best and most timely information available. Effective staff writing conveys the writer's exact meaning and cannot be misinterpreted. Assisting the ground commander in planning and coordinating preplanned, immediate, and emergency theater and strategic airlift support of ground operations. Administrative support for non-US forces, foreign nationals, and civilian internees. Integrating air support sorties with the Army concept of operations. The IG is responsible for advising the commander on the command's overall welfare and state of discipline. Organization of American States' Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism. Examples of these situations include deployments, retrograde operations, obstacle crossings, and when the commander and deputy or assistant commanders are unable to command. Serves as the logistics officer responsible for planning and developing logistic operations. Coordinating OPSEC measures to shield the MD plan with the OPSEC officer. Coordinating, planning, and directing all command IA activities. Developing policies, procedures, and techniques to ensure the most cost-advantageous and effective methods of purchasing commercial products and services, within fiscal and regulatory constraints. Risk management, determined by the safety officer. Ensuring the staff integrates and coordinates its activities internally and with higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. Developing and educating the command on policies and procedures for protecting against the release of information detrimental to the mission, national security, and personal privacy. Recommending command policy for collecting and disposing of excess property and salvage. (IDM provides a managed flow of RI based on the commander's priorities). Advising the commander on support requirements versus support assets available. The assistant or deputy ENCOORD is a permanent staff officer, representing the ENCOORD. Developing the logistic plan to support operations (with the G-3 [S-3]). Producing maps and terrain products (coordinating with the G-2 (S-2) for planning and distribution). Recommending use of resources to accomplish maneuver and support, including resources required for MD. Collecting, processing, and storing critical information about soldiers, units, and civilians. D-93. Managing and controlling information network capabilities and services. Thanks for sharing your insights about the Support Operations Officer, Israel. Integrating fire support into operations. Support to Security Programs. Analyzing operational effects on the environment and assessing its status. Military Deception Officer. D-11. SOO responsibilities include-, D-118. Monitoring operations and maintaining current COP-related information. Assignment:To a Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) or Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC), attached to a Movement Control Battalion (MCB). Personnel Services. Identifying training requirements, based on the unit METL and training status. The plan must be thorough, but easy to understand, so the Soldier . Staff members follow a systematic approach, weighing each new item of information in relation to other available information. Preparing the intelligence annex to plans and orders, and the intelligence estimate. Administration of discipline, law, and order (with the provost marshal [PM]), including absence without leave (AWOL), desertion, court-martial offenses, punishments, and straggler disposition. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Coordinating unit commercial and military satellite communications requirements with the SOO. Full-time Soldiers and their families receive free health care, and part-time soldiers and their families pay minimal out-of-pocket costs. Monitoring and recommending actions on unit morale and discipline. Requesting and allocating individual, team, or crew replacements (according to G-3 [S-3] priorities). Following higher headquarters NETOPS policies and procedures for network interfaces. 4b. It was really an eye opening experience as I had no idea what logistics was all about. Staffs continually identify current and future problems or issues that affect mission accomplishment. The SGS is the special staff officer who acts as XO for the COS. Integrating space support, IO (with the G-7), and fire support into all operations. Assisting soldiers, Army civilians, family members, retirees, and other members of the force who seek help with Army-related problems. Transportation Officer (88A) The Transportation Corps is responsible for moving supplies, troops and equipment anywhere on the globe. Maj B, Great information! Morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR), and community support, including fitness programs. I have also learned that some Forward Support Companies have a Support Operations Officer, normally a 1LT. Staff members disseminate information using, among other media, briefings, electronic mail, staff papers, reports, and summaries. You will deal with many egos, and many people who outrank you. Capture your process on HOW you do what you do. EWO responsibilities include-, D-122. A SOCOORD is normally authorized only on corps staffs. Satisfying requirements through intelligence reach. Monitoring movements on routes two echelons down. A deputy FSCOORD or fire support officer (FSO) assists the FSCOORD. Headquarters commandant responsibilities include-. Staff members make similar contributions to command standing operating procedures (SOPs), training plans, reports, studies, and summaries. Collecting and processing demographic data concerning all aspects of EO climate assessment. Additionally, the Army can repay nearly $65,000 of current outstanding student loan debt through the Loan Repayment Program (LRP) if you qualify. Always explain it in terms of problem, why it is a problem, how to fix and the fix. D-15. In this capacity, the incumbent advises the SPO and Battalion Commander on all aspects of logistics management, plans, programs, resource allocation, and support operations of the Battalion. Providing estimates on the effects of space weather activities on current and future operations. Coordination by staff members includes-. Intelligence-related subjects, determined by the G-2. A transportation officer is authorized at corps (CTO) and divisions (DTO). RecommendationAdd something into the major duties stating that the person will need to analyze information, programs, etc in order to advise effectively.Kimberly DarnallClassification and Staffing. Assignment:To a Sustainment Brigade in support of Division operations, normally attached to a CSSB. The TALO is responsible for advising the commander on the best use of airlift resources and coordinating their use. Every staff has special staff officers. Im not sure whether or not this is a determining factor of deciding on a 2-4 or a 2-3.4. Conducting NBC reconnaissance operations and coordinating them with the overall ISR plan. Specific responsibilities of the G-1/AG (S-1) include manning, personnel services, personnel support, and headquarters management. As you all know, many drill weekends can be spent inefficiently. Advising and informing the commander of the public affairs impact and implications of planned or current operations. An EOD officer is authorized at corps and divisions, and normally serves as the EOD group, battalion, or company commander. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. 60%Directs and oversees the management and program execution of the following branches within the SPO division: rotational training unit sustainment/convoy operations, Battalion and rotational unit maintenance readiness, and Forward Operating Base (FOB) readiness reporting. They coordinate through the G-1/AG when necessary. Identifying specified and implied tasks needed to accomplish the mission. Determining requirements for veterinary supplies and equipment. Providing AMD input to the airspace control plan. The problem determines the extent of research. Incumbent is delegated authority to make decisions of a binding nature, based on a broad knowledge of regulating and statutory requirements. Disseminating ATO and ACO information to ADA units. Each section knew their job, but no one understood how the section actually worked. Following the strategy of Public Private Producer Partnership (4P model), the SPO will explore and collaborate with various stakeholders to strengthen forward and . Treat them like gold, but dont abuse the Support Battalion personnel in the process. 1. Assessing and reporting military occupational specialty (MOS) shortfalls and personnel readiness issues to the G-1/AG (S-1). This practice allows commanders to focus on the overall operation. Formulating the combat health support plan. In brigades and battalions, the S-4 both coordinates activities and executes requirements for the commander and unit. NO Chuck, Thanks for the post and the great ideas. Coordinating, planning, and directing all C4OPS support interfaces with joint and multinational forces, including HN support interfaces. Coordinating field artillery survey and meteorological support. D-74. PM responsibilities include-, D-115. The commander normally delegates executive management authority (equivalent to command of the staff) to the COS. Providing financial planning and assistance during the transition to war and throughout the conflict, including mobilization, redeployment, and demobilization. National Academy of Sciences is now hiring a Senior Program Officer - Transportation Research Board Technical Activities in Washington, DC. The chaplain's responsibilities include-, D-131. Job Overview. Estimating the effect of a unit's radiation exposure state on mission assignments. Injecting historical perspective and institutional memory into command activities. The information management coordinator (IMCOORD), assisted by the RI and information systems (INFOSYS) officers, has overall responsibility for compiling RI developed by all staff sections. Under special conditions or missions, the commander may give the COS temporary command of a portion of the force. D-39. Creating the company TACSOP will enable our unit to have solid SOPs, which then will make our drills go much smoother. Are there any physical fitness requirements to join? Avoid conflict and duplication by adjusting plans or policies before implementation. This appendix describes the responsibilities and duties commonly performed by staff officers assigned to the headquarters of Army organizations in the field, from battalion through corps. Sometimes staff members have the ability and authority to solve the problem without involving the commander. Developing the EA mission tasking based on the C2 target list, and issuing the EA target list. Coordinating possible PSYOP effects with the G-5. Coordinating customs and counterdrug activities. During operations, the COS must anticipate events and share a near-identical visualization of operations, events, and requirements. Advising the command and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on public health issues involving military operations. Intelligence Synchronization. The ACOS, G-4 (S-4) is the principal staff officer for logistic operations and plans (general), supply, maintenance, transportation, and services. Conducting formal, on-site manpower and equipment surveys. Monitoring execution of IO tasks to ensure delivery of massed information effects when needed. Or, c. Creative Professional, (See 5 CFR, 551.209 ) (The primary duty requires invention and originality in a recognized artistic field (music, writing, etc.) Exercising staff supervision of military intelligence support to the command intelligence training program. SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER (SPO) - Silver Spring, Maryland, USA Job Opening Toggle navigation. Coordinating special forces, ranger, and special operations aviation support requirements with other staff sections. D-126. Coordinating with the higher headquarters MDO and G-7, ENCOORD, and CHEMO. Before reactivating PD, please correct the following:FLSAFunctional CodeCompetitive Level CodeWorks under the general supervision of the 1916th Support Battalion, Support Operations (SPO) Officer (O-4/MAJOR), who outlines work and provides broad general policies, objectives, and priorities; and is available to discuss problems and/or new policies, long range plans and special projects. Performs other duties as assigned.FACTOR 1 - Knowledge Required by the Position (Level 1-7, 1250 Points) Knowledge of the mission, functions, organization and logistical programs of the Combat Support Sustainment Battalion (CSSB), NTC Support Brigade and the National Training Center and Fort Irwin, CA.Knowledge and skill to develop, coordinate, and maintain the logistical portion of contingency installation and organic plans for the command.Must possess the knowledge and effective writing skills, interpret, and develop comprehensive logistics plans, orders, policies, and instructions.Must possess the ability to analyze and measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of logistics related instructions and plans.Must possess knowledge of current logistics doctrine, management concepts, policies, methods, and regulatory requirements pertaining to logistical plans, operations and support activities to effectively analyze, leverage, and evaluate plans that provide adequate logistical support for installation, tenant unit, and training units at NTC.Must possess effective communication skills orally and in writing in order to prepare and present reports, information papers, briefings and recommendations.FACTOR 2 - Supervisory Controls (Level 2-4, 450 Points)Receives general supervision from the 1916th Support Battalion, Support Operations (SPO) Officer who defines responsibilities and functions with immediate focus on mission objectives, and provides guidance regarding the nature and relative importance of assignments. Learned Professional, (See 5 CFR, 551.208 ) (Registered Nurses, Dental Hygienists, Physicians Assistants, Medical Technologists, Teachers, Attorneys, Physicians, Dentists, Podiatrists, Optometrists, Engineers, Architects, and Accountants at the independent level as just some of the typical examples of exempt professionals). Maintaining the unit readiness status of each unit in the command. Helping contract HN support in logistics-based development, as part of the contracting implementation team. Executing policies and standards concerning enlisted soldier performance, training, appearance, and conduct. The aide-de-camp serves as a personal assistant to a general officer. Supervising forward air controllers and the tactical air control party. Assisting all staff sections with tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for performing IM functions within and between staff sections. Thanks so much! Providing medical care to civilians per the law of land warfare. In order to meet a 1-7 there needs to be knowledge that is used to plan, schedule, and conduct projects. During operations, special staff officers work in parts of the CP designated by the commander, COS, or their supervising coordinating staff officer. NETOPS includes network management (NM), information dissemination management (IDM), and information assurance (IA): D-77. Operations and plans includes-, D-60. Whether procedures are formal or informal, staff members carefully analyze and compare all feasible COAs, using the best information available. Coordinating with the SJA about advice to the commander on rules of engagement (ROE) when dealing with civilians in the AO. Coordinating religious support with unit ministry teams of higher and adjacent headquarters, other Services, and multinational forces. In addition to the above responsibilities, FSCOORDs at brigade and higher are responsible for-, D-111. Health education and combat lifesaver training. Coordinating with the G-1/AG (S-1) and the PM on transporting replacement personnel and EPWs. Approving the CSR after G-4/materiel management center input. Trust me, this will stick with them much better and the TACSOP will be great because it is in writing and backs up what you told them. Providing input to the G-1/AG (S-1) on projected accident losses. Performing staff supervision of activities and units assigned, attached, or under the operational control (OPCON) of the command, to ensure adequate support of the command. An AMDCOORD is authorized at corps and divisions. This HSS cell includes a medical operations officer, a medical plans and operations NCO, and a medical logistics officer (MLO). Providing US and non-US pay functions involving military, DOD civilian, foreign national, HN, civilian internee, EPW, and travel and miscellaneous pay. Staff members make recommendations to help commanders reach decisions and establish policies. Planning and ensuring that deployed nonmilitary INFOSYS are open and nonproprietary, with commonly accepted standards and protocols that interoperate with military INFOSYS. Coordinating and synchronizing ARFOR AMD with joint force AMD. Recommending fire support coordinating measures to support current and future operations; managing changes to them. The transportation officer is responsible for coordinating transportation assets and operations. The veterinary officer is responsible for coordinating assets and activities concerning veterinary service within the command. D-80. Evaluating enemy intelligence capabilities as they affect OPSEC, countersurveillance, signals security (SIGSEC), security operations, military deception (MD) planning, psychological operations (PSYOP), area security operations, and force protection. 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